Sen. Tec Cruz is far ahead in the NewsMax poll for prefered - TopicsExpress


Sen. Tec Cruz is far ahead in the NewsMax poll for prefered presidential candiddates According to this poll, maybe there is hope for America. In a Republican presidential primary, who would you prefer as the GOP nominee? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gov. Bobby Jindal 24,053(5%)   Dr. Ben Carson 54,432(12%)   Gov. Chris Christie 26,646(5%)   Gov. Jan Brewer 13,075(2%)   Gov. Jeb Bush 25,389(5%)   Gov. John Kasich 9,424(2%)   Sen. Marco Rubio 14,338(3%)   Gov. Mike Huckabee 25,527(5%)   Gov. Mitt Romney 50,870(11%)   Gov. Nikki Haley 8,216(1%)   Rep. Paul Ryan 13,405(2%)   Sen. Rand Paul 21,622(4%)   Gov. Rick Perry 9,475(2%)   Gov. Sarah Palin 23,486(5%)   Gov. Scott Walker 10,507(2%)   Sen. Ted Cruz 117,128(26%)   Overall, do you approve or disapprove of President Obamas job performance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approve 111,848(24%)   Disapprove 339,198(75%)   Of the below options, which are you more focused on when choosing your candidate? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preserving traditional values 103,297(22%)   National security 70,954(15%)   Healthcare reforms 43,449(9%)   Jobs and the U.S. economy 233,713(51%)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:01:44 +0000

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