Sen. Ted Cruz WILL fight for and defend the Hard-working Middle - TopicsExpress


Sen. Ted Cruz WILL fight for and defend the Hard-working Middle Class!!! Sen. Ted Cruz will refuse to go along with the Establishment Republican Leadership on the Immigration Reform legislation IF there is Amnesty OR a Pathway to Citizenship provision!! Sen. Cruz believes in protecting the Middle Class of American CITIZENS who have been almost destroyed by Obama and his destructive policies which have led to high unemployment, lower paying jobs, mostly part-time jobs, and an employment situation so dire that 92 MILLION Americans have dropped out of the labor force, usage of food stamps and welfare has sky-rocketed, more people in poverty than ever before, more people on disability that ever before!! By not legalizing the MANY MILLIONS (many estimates of 30-40 million) of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS, Sen. Cruz will ensure that those people who should NOT be here in the U.S. will NOT be able to obtain LEGAL employment, access to the educational system, to health care, food stamps, welfare, housing assistance, etc!!! AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, those MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS will NOT be able to gain the RIGHT TO VOTE!!! WHY would the Establishment Republicans be so EAGER to push for the Legalization of all those MILLIONS?? Surely, even as idiotic as some of the actions of the Establishment has been, even THEY can realize that IF they allow all those MILLIONS to become legal, they will have JUST relegated the Republican Party to a permanent very MINORITY Party, which would be incapable of winning a single NATIONAL election for DECADES, if NOT longer!! WHY are they so eager to give the Democrats such a long term majority status to where the Republicans would HAVE zero impact on policy, issues, or any leadership positions in the country, the Senate or the House!! Keep in mind, that ONCE these MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS are legal, they will then have the ability ot sponsor thjeir extended family members to enter -the U.S. legally, and the estimates are that those numbers could be as high as 80-90 MILLION total!!! The Middle Class of this country AND the Republican Party desperately NEED Sen. Ted Cruz to save and preservere both groups!! America in general desperately NEED Sen. Cruz to restore this greatest country on the face of the EARTH to the social and economic leadership status which she so richly deserves and has earned!! WE desperately NEED Sen. Cruz to begin the tremendous challenge of over-turning the damage that Obama and the Liberals have wrought on the wonderful and great country!! You can TRUST him to do EXACTLY what he says he will do, regardless of the criticism he receives from the Establishment Republicans, the Liberals/Democrats, and the major media!! WHO else is STANDING up for the hard-working Middle Class and for the country in the bold and dedicated fashion that Sen. Cruz has been doing?? Get on board with Sen. Cruz and help him achieve everything that he is working diligently to accomplish!!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:59:22 +0000

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