Senate to Vote Wednesday on Motion to End Debate on Amnesty - TopicsExpress


Senate to Vote Wednesday on Motion to End Debate on Amnesty Bill Call your Senators NOW and Urge Them to Vote NO! Dear FAIR Supporters, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is continuing his quest to ram the Gang of Eight amnesty bill through the Senate by scheduling a crucial vote on Wednesday. That vote will be on a motion to end debate on the bill, S.744. If that motion is successful, then the Senate will quickly move to vote on final passage. Call your Senators NOW and urge them to vote NO on the motion to end debate on S.744. Monday, the Senate passed the Corker-Hoeven "border security" amendment by a vote of 67-27. The outcome of the vote was hardly surprising considering the Gang of Eight filled the amendment with a wide assortment of special interest pay-offs necessary to secure the votes. Today, the Gang of Eight will continue to make back-room deals in an attempt to "buy" even more votes by orchestrating the adoption of new special interest amendments to the bill. We need your help! Call your Senators NOW and tell them to vote against S.744: both the motion to end debate on the bill and on final passage. Tell them: •"Amnesty" is NOT immigration reform. Amnesty undermines the rule of law and is inherently unfair to millions of legal immigrants who followed the rules and waited their turn in line. •The Gang of Eight amnesty bill hurts American workers. It adds to the labor market millions of illegal aliens AND guest workers who will unfairly compete with American workers and drive down wages. •You want the government to keep its promises to enforce the law, both at the borders and across the country. •You demand that Congress restore integrity and common sense to our immigration system, not sell out to special interests. There is no time to waste! To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here. Please call your Senators NOW! Sincerely, FAIR
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:28:27 +0000

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