Senator John Madigan says budget is lacking in logic, heart, - TopicsExpress


Senator John Madigan says budget is lacking in logic, heart, vision, transparency and hope By political reporter Karen Barlow Thu 7 Aug 2014, 1:09pm Crossbench senator John Madigan has heavily criticised the budget as lacking in logic, heart, vision, transparency and hope as he prepares to meet Treasurer Joe Hockey later today. The talks in Ballarat are part of Mr Hockeys round of crossbench diplomacy efforts to get support for billions of dollars worth of policies and budget measures. Mr Hockey last night reportedly complained at a conference in Canberra that explaining two decades of Australias economic challenges was bloody hard and he revealed he felt like everyone was against him as he tried to sell economic reform. In a wide-ranging interview with the ABC, Senator Madigan, who represents the Victorian Democratic Labour Party, said the Treasurer must rethink the budget. I have a bit of empathy for Mr Hockey, but what I fear is that Mr Hockey does not have much empathy for anybody else. he said. The senator said he had spent months speaking to constituents and experts about the budget. This budget, from my perspective and [that of] a lot of other people I have spoken to from various walks of life, is lacking in logic, it is lacking in heart, it is lacking in vision, transparency. It is predominately ideologically driven, short-sighted and it does not offer much hope to people, young or old. Voter support for the Coalition has slumped in the wake of the May budget, which critics have described as unfair. There just seems to be a total disconnect between what people out there are experiencing, Senator Madigan said. We have got the Earn or Learn slogan, we have got different things, but there is a huge disconnect between the rhetoric and the reality. The Government is struggling to win crossbench support for a number of controversial budget changes, including plans for a co-payment on doctor visits and moves to increase fuel excise. Senator Madigan opposes the Governments $5.5 billion Paid Parental Leave scheme and says we believe in equal assistance, if any, for all mothers. Senator Madigan say he needs more information about the Governments Direct Action climate change policy. I have not heard anybody give a really good explanation of it as yet, he said. Madigan has costed alternatives to $7 doctor visit fee He is also against the $7 doctor charge and will be taking alternative options to the Treasurer today so those with the least means are not kicked in the head. We have done a bit of work on that, Senator Madigan said. We have looked at some alternatives to help those people who have go the least means. Well be putting those to the Treasurer and I have been to the parliamentary budget office to have those ideas costed. I think - give the man a chance. Senator Madigan will also be taking the issue of home ownership to the Treasurer, saying negative gearing is the elephant in the room. It is a key tax break that advantages those with the most over those with the least, he says. A recent Moodys report estimates negative gearing adds 9 per cent, or around $44,000 on average, to current home prices. Critics also say billions of dollars worth of tax revenue is lost. Senator Madigan says the current system is hard to justify. Why should a person, why should people who have not got a home or who are struggling to buy their first home, subsidise those with five homes? Five properties? he said. I think there needs to be a discussion, a very open and frank discussion for a start. He says he cannot sell the budget to a lot of his constituents. I just cannot understand how they think this is going to float, he said. They have not put enough time and effort into increasing revenue. They are taking it from the softest targets in our society. I believe the Government has a responsibility to bring down a budget that is responsible and fair and balanced for all Australians, not just for some. The Treasurer, who says hell meet with anyone who is sensible, has held talks with independent Senator Nick Xenophon, Family First Senator Bob Day, the Palmer United Partys Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie and Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm. He is due to meet Motoring Enthusiast Party Senator Ricky Muir tomorrow in Melbourne.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:50:00 +0000

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