Senator Ojudu Petitions The Senate Over Act of Injustice to His - TopicsExpress


Senator Ojudu Petitions The Senate Over Act of Injustice to His Constituent The Senator representing Ekiti Central Senatorial district in the upper legislative Chamber and spokesperson of the opposition senators, Senator Babafemi Ojudu last week at the senate laid a petition before the upper chamber on an unjust action taken against one of his constituent, Retired Police Commissioner of Police Emmanuel Oladipo Ayeni . Ayeni is being punished by police authorities for making critical comments on the police during his passing out ceremony from the Police Force after serving Nigeria without blemish for thirty-two years. Ayeni has been queried and his letter of retirement been withheld by the police authorities and could therefore not process his retirement benefits. Ojudu “maintains that such act whereby Ayeni’s letter of retirement is held for no just cause for over a year smacks of wickedness against a gentleman officer who spoke out against a system which has continued to disappoint Nigerians in the performance of its duties. He wondered why Ayeni is being punished for saying the truth when it is traditional for retiring officers to bare their minds over sundry issues plaguing the Police and by extension the nation on their pull out parade. Ojudu said he was ready to mobilize his colleagues in the Senate and all Nigerians of good conscience to help reverse this blatant injustice that is capable of demoralizing men of sound judgement and good conscience from speaking truth to power. The Senator was of the opinion that should the Police Force get away with this strange act of injustice to an officer who gave thirty-two years of his life without a single blemish then it can be better imagined what can be done to men or women of the lower rank. The petition was accepted by the Senate President and forwarded to the Senate Committee on Petition and Ethics for investigation. THE QUERY FOR THE RETIRED CP CP EMMANUEL AYENI UFS The Assistant Inspector –General of Police, The Nigeria Police Force, Zonal Headquarters, Zone 4 Makurdi. QUERY FOR SERIOUS MISCONDUCT It has been brought to the knowledge of the inspector- General of Police that on 10th December,2012 at Rwang Pam Stadium, Jos while delivering your Pullout/farewell parade speech to officers and Men of the Nigeria Police Force, with the Press and Members of the general Public in attendance, you made some derogatory and uncomplimentary fundamental statements about the Nigeria Police Force and its leadership. You went further to denigrate Members of the Police Management Team as if you had a score to settle with them. Excerpts of some of the uncomplimentary and unprintable things that are contained in your written Valedictory speech which was read out by you are paraphrased as follows: i. That “the reform that is going on in the Police is extremely cosmetic and that it cannot take the Nigeria Police to the next level”; ii. That “Promotion is done with decoration of heavy conspiracy between the Inspector – General of Police and the Police Service Commission”; iii. That “Seniority and merit has been assigned to the dust bin of history”; iv. That “Promotion now is a reward to parochial loyalty to IGP and Chairman PSC”; v. That “Officers who have served their fatherland patriotically and dedicatedly were butchered by the police Service Commission and its Cohorts”; vi. That “We must prevent the destruction of the Nigeria Police Force by the Managerial Vampires that are manning the Force now’; vii. That “A Single Litre of fuel has not been given to the Command (Plateau State) as well”; viii. That “On – going agitation for State Police is in order”; 2. The Inspector – General of Police is flabbergasted and highly disappointed at your valedictory outburst and self righteousness which could best be described as figment of wild imaginations coming from a spent Force. In that some of your utterances that “A single litre of fuel has not been given to (Plateau) Command” was a false statement as Plateau State Command was given quarterly allocation of Petrol and Lubricants throughout your tenure as the Commissioner of Police Plateau State. However, since the unguided utterances were made while you were still in service and in uniform before your pull- out, it is undoubtedly that you were still answerable to the Police discipline, rules and Regulations. 3. Accordingly, the IGP has directed that you be queried and you are hereby queried for the following acts of serious Misconduct: i. BREACH OF CONFIDENCE/UNAUTHORISED DISCLOSURE OF OFFICIAL INFORMATION: In that without proper authority, on 10th December, 2012 you communicated to the Public and the Press very important and Critical Policy matters of the Police Force. Contrary to paragraph (b) (iii) of the First schedule of the Police Act and Regulation, Cap 359 Laws of the Federation, 1990 and rule 030402 (i) of the Public Service Rules, 2008. ii. FALSEHOOD/PREVARICATION: In that your public declaration that Plateau State Command was not given single litre of Petrol, when in fact you were signing and collecting quarterly allocation of petrol, Oils and Lubricant (POL) was outright falsehood and prevarication of facts, contrary to paragraph (k) of the First Schedule of the Police Act and Regulations. iii. INSUBORDINATION: In that your use of foul and abusive language to describe members of the Police Management Team as “Managerial Vampires” was not only scandalous, discourteous but outright act of insubordination to the respected Senior Officers who are Members f the Police Management Team, contrary to paragraph (l) of the First Schedule of Police Act and Regulations and rule 030301 (o) and (p) of the Public Service Rules, 2008. iv. ACT UNBECOMING OF A PUBLIC OFFICER: In that the sum total of your conduct as highlighted above is prejudicial to discipline, proper administration of the Force and unbecoming of an officer of your rank, Contrary to rule 030402 (w) of the Public Service Rules, 2008. 3. You are therefore required to explain within forty eight (48) hours upon the receipt of this query why you conduct should not be reported to the Police Service Commission for severe disciplinary action to be taken against you. Your explanation if any, should be submitted through the AIG Zone 4, Makurdi, within the stipulated period or it would be presumed that you have none to offer and IGP will be at liberty to take whatever action he deems appropriate in the circumstance. AIG DAN’AZUMI J. DOMA, fwc ASSISTANT INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF POLICE FORCE SECRETARY FOR: INSPECTOR –GENERAL OF POLICE CP AYENIS REPLY Dipo Ayeni, Ile-Osolo Compound, Oke Ikere, Ikere- Ekiti. 3rd January, 2013 Through: The Assistant Inspector General of Police, The Nigeria Police Force, Zonal Headquarters, Zone 4, Makurdi. To: The Inspector General of Police, Office of the Force Secretary, The Nigeria Police, Force Headquarters, Louis Edet House, Shehu Shagari Way, Abuja. Dear Sir, WITHOUT PREJUDICE I refer to your letter reference No. P. 13632/FS/FHQ/ABJ/2 dated 20th December, 2012 titled ‘Query For Serious Misconduct” where you quoted from the speech I made during my “Pull Out/Farewell Parade at Rwang Pam Stadium, Jos on 20th December, 2012. Let me state at the threshold that all I did at the occasion was to exercise my constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression and that I did within the coverage of civility and secorum. Moreover, permit me to further state here that at the time I made the statements under reference, I was no longer in active service of the Nigeria Police Force. My active service in the Force ended on the eve of my retirement date. My being in the Police uniform at the pull Out/Farewell Parade was merely for a ceremonial purpose and did not in any way bring me within the jurisdiction of the IGP for the purpose of this query. In sum, it is my humble submission and contention that the query under reference is ultra vires the powers of the IGP. Howbeit, just for the records, but without prejudice to the foregoing standpoint, I hereby submit that: 1.1 (i) I did not make any derogatory and uncomplimentary fundamental statements about the Nigeria Police Force and its leadership. (ii) I did not denigrate members of the Police Management Team as if I have a score to settle with them. 1.2 However, I made some fundamental statements that were patriotic and geared towards advancing the corporate interest of the Nigeria Police and redressing the security problems in the Country. 1.3 As you have paraphrased my speech, I hereby submit thus: (i) “that the reform that is going on in the Police is extremely cosmetic and that it cannot take the Nigeria Police to the net level. It is true that I said this under sub-section 2 of my speech, but the statement was globally made not in isolation. I said we should embark on a wholesale reform that is fundamental, that is reforms that will affect every facet of the Nigeria Police and the security development in Nigeria because the white paper on police reform make provision for innovations on training and capacity building, promotion, welfare, intelligence, legal matters, etc. for certain officers in the Nigeria Police Force as it qualification for certain officers in the Nigeria Police Force as it is in the Civil Service, Military and Para-Military and para-military Nigeria Police that non-higher institution graduates are promoted to Management cadre (above ACPs). (ii) That “Promotion is done with decoration of heavy conspiracy between the Inspector-General of Police and the Police Service Commission” With due respect, I stand on this statement. I want the Inspector General of Police and the Police Service Commission to come out with the criteria used for promoting some of the current AIGs and DIGs. For instance: (a) In the South-South geo-political zone, a Commissioner of Police who was number 4 on the Staff list was promoted above 3 (three) of his seniors from the same zone; (b) In the South East Zone, the Second most-senior officer was promoted DIG at the expense of the most senior officer; (c) In the North West, two officers were promoted to DIG – the promotion of DIG Sulaiman Dauda Fakai, NPM, MNI was in order because he was the most senior in the zone and in the country. However, DIG Atiku Yusuf Kafur, MNI, was done at the detriment of two of his seniors from his zone; (d) In the South West, number eight most senior police officer was promoted to DIG at the expense of seven of his seniors including two AIGs who have been retired when they were omitted from the promotion and my humble self –Emmanuel Oladipo Ayeni who was the most senior in the South West geo-political Zone; (e) In the North Central Zone, number 8, most senior police officer was promoted to DIG at the expense of seven of his seniors from same zone. (f) In the North East Zone, number six most senior police officer was promoted to DIG at the expense of five of his seniors from the same zone. This is the anomaly in the promotion of senior officers to DIGs. For sake of clarity, I will leave the anomaly committed in the promotion of officers to the rank of AIGs in the promotion exercise under reference. (iii) From (ii) above, we can see that seniority and merit had been consigned to the dust bin of history. Is this not true in all the cases highlighted above? (iv) That “Promotion now is a reward for parochial loyalty to IGP and Chairman PSC”: This assertion is true and I stand by it from (ii) above. How do we justify some of the promotions recently done particularly promotion to DIGs and AIGs under reference? (v) That “officers who have served their fatherland patriotically and dedicatedly were butchered by the Police Service Commission and its cohorts”. I also stand by this. A situation where an officer who had served patriotically and dedicatedly was not rewarded by deserved promotion but frustrated out of the Force by untimely retirement is tantamount to butchering the career of such officer. (vi) That “we must prevent the destruction of the Nigeria Police Force by the Managerial Vampires that are manning the force now”. On this, I want to state without any hesitation or contradiction that the phrase “managerial vampires” was used in the context to register my displeasure with the dramatis personae involved in the ruthless exploitation of people’s careers by indefensible promotion of juniors above seniors. Concise Oxford English Dictionary 10th Edition defines “Vampire” amongst others as a person who exploits others ruthlessly”. (vii) That “a single litre of fuel has not been given to the Command (Plateau State) as well’: This is a distortion of my speech, what I said is that since July 11, 201 that I came to Plateau State, no single vehicle has been given to the Command by the Central government and a single litre of fuel has not been given to the Command as well. I stand by this assertion. I wrote passionately to the IG pleading that fuel should be given to the Plateau State Police Command because of the security challenges on the Plateau. I also requested for more manpower and patrol vehicles, up till now, my letters are begging for the attention of the IG. See the attached letters. (viii) That “on-going agitation for state police is in order”: I stand on this as well, because al the States police commands are dependent on the provisions of logistic from the State Government. 2.0 Furthermore, I want to state here that no single litre of fuel has been given to the Plateau State Police Command was not false as alleged in your query. The Plateau State Command was not given any quarterly allocation of petrol. The fuel allocated to the Plateau State Command was given before I was posted to plateau State by former IG (Hafiz Ringim, CFR, NPM, mni.) 3 (i) “Breach of Confidence/Unauthorized Disclosure of Official Information”. From my speech, I have not contravened paragraph B(iii) of the First Schedule of the Police Act and Regulation, Cap. 359. Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 and Rule 030402 (i) of the Public Service Rules 2008: 3 (ii) “Falsehood/prevarication”: My Public statement on 10th December, 2012 was not in this regard or any other manner a falsehood /prevarication, because I insist that no single liter of fuel was given to the Plateau State Police Command by the present Police leadership. Therefore, I have not contravened paragraph K f the First Schedule of the Police Act and Regulations. 3(iii) “Insubordination” – I did not use foul and abusive language to describe members of the Police Management Team as “Managerial Vampires”. As opined above, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary 10th Edition defines “Vampire” amongst others as a person who exploits others ruthlessly”. With this meaning, I was not referring to the Police out of conviction that it is a clear case of ruthless exploitation. Therefore, I have neither committed any act of insubordination nor flouted paragraph (1) of the First Schedule of Police Act and Regulation and Rule 030301 (o) and (p) of the public Service Rules, 2008. 3(iv) “Act unbecoming of a public officer”. I have not committed any act unbecoming of a public officer as alleged in this query. Before my pull out from the police was done, I wrote to the IG for his permission and it was given. Even the inspector General of Police was represented by the AIG Zone 4 Command Headquarters, Makurdi. AIG Micheal E. Zokumor, fwc who delivered IG’S speech. Therefore, my address as well as the pull out was a product full authorization of IG. 3.0 In conclusion, I want the inspector General of Police and Police Management Team not to see me as an officer using the medium of his pull-out to settle scores. Also, I would not want the Police management to see me as anti-Police. I am fanatically committees to the corporate interest and development of the Nigeria Police Force, an organization I used more than thirty –two years of my life to serve. I want to also say emphatically that God has been good to me. I have good health and I am a bundle of energy. I am not a spent force as alleged in this query, but an achiever and a successful Police Commissioner. By the grace of God, very soon, I will be celebrated! I pray that Nigeria Police will rise and shine. One day, the Nigeria Police will become the pride of Black people in Africa and the Diasporas, please. CP Emmanuel Oladipo Ayeni (Rtd.) THE PULL OUT SPEECH THAT LED TO THE QUERY THE SPEECH PRESENTED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE PLATEAU STATE COMMAND, CP EMMANUEL OLADIPO AYENI BSc, MPA, PSC+ DURING HIS PULL OUT/FAREWELL PARADE ON DECEMBER 10, 2012 AT RWANG PAM STADIUM, JOS. On July 15, 1980 I started my career in the Nigeria Police. I was very young, focused and armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from the first and the best University in Nigeria, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. I had different job offers from many establishments but I turned down all with consummating fanaticism and I stayed with the Nigeria Police Force with al my essence. I thought that I had taken a good decision. This is a decision that affected my life as a social being. However, looking back now to that fateful day, July 15, 1980, I can say that, though I give glory to the almighty God for what he has done for me. But my career was an adventure in the valley of the dried bones sees Ezekiel Chapter 37: verse 1-28. If my more than 32 years of service to my country is x-rayed, I think I deserve to be commended for a job well done. However, I want to use the instrumentality of my pulling out today to make Nigeria Police out of its quandary. The way the Nigeria Police is operating today leaves much to be desired not because its personnel are not professionally competent but due to some dangerous chemistry that has been badly mixed against the soul of this vital organization. I must talk on this or I will be condemned by history. This is in the best interest of the progress and development of our dear country. Franz Fanon said that “the future will have no compassion on men who possess exceptional privilege of speaking the word of truth to their oppressors who have taken solace in an attitude of passivity and sometimes of cold complicity”. 2. ON GOING POLICE REFORMS The reform that is going on in the Police is extremely cosmetic and It cannot take the Nigeria Police to the next level. Frankly speaking, the white papers on various committees’ reports on Police reforms are not being properly implemented. We should embark on a wholesale reform that is fundamental. That is, the Reform that will properly position the Nigeria Police is well organized; it will perform its constitutional and statutory duties very well. Invariably, al Nigerians will be proud of their Police. Police in any country is the bedrock of development and the basis of good governance. I want to state here without any hesitation that, despite the problem the Nigeria Police is going through, it is still the best organization anybody can work with. However, it can be better if the proper things are done by the power that be. 3. MODE OF PROMOTION There is rules govering promotion in the Police. However, in the name of Police reforms, promotion is done with decoration of heavy conspiracy between the inspector-General of Police and Police Service Commission. The Known criteria for promotion in Nigeria particularly Seniority and merit had been consigned to the dustbin of history. Promotion now is a reward for parochial loyalty to IGP and Chairman of PSC. With the above in mind, how can one justify the promotion of some officers to the ranks of Deputy Inspector-General of Police and Assistant Inspectors-General of Police recently by the Police Service Commission? Promoting relatively junior officers above their seniors has negative consequences that may hamper the development of the Nigeria Police. These consequences include the following:- i. It lowers the morale of officers that their juniors are promoted above them. ii. It breeds discipline iii. It lowers productivity iv. It leads to frustration v. It decapitates cohesion and spirit de corp among officers. At this juncture, we need to ask that, what are the professional reasons for the retirement of 13 Assistant Inspectors-General of Police that were cut down at prime of their career without committing any offence known to law? The president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should have intervened when officers who have served their father land patriotically and dedicatedly were butchered by the Police Service Commission and its cohorts. This was not done; it was minor in the history of Police development. We must prevent the destruction of the Nigeria Police Force by the managerial vampires that are manning the Force now. 4. POLICE AND INTERNAL SECURITY Under the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 and Police Act and Regulations, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 1990, the provision of internal security is in the domain of the Police. Though, the Nigeria Police does this in collaboration with other Security Agencies. However, in the name of Military assistance to Civil Authority (MACA), the Military is gradually taking over the duties of the Nigeria Police Force; Consequently, the fund that should be given to the Police is being allocated to the Military. This has negative impact on Police Performance. Military Assistance to Civil Authority (MACA) should not be a permanent feature. It is in Nigeria amongst the civilized countries of the world that the Military does the Police Job. This must stop. The Federal Government should not destroy the Nigeria Police. There is no how the internal security can be adequately handled in any country that is relegating its Police to the back ground. That apart, exposing the military to prolong stay at check points and performance of Police duties will rob the military of its professionalism. Consequently, the military will be civilianized and will not be able to perform its constitutional duty of defending the territorial integrity of the country. I want all of us to know that our neighboring countries are not happy with our greatness hence; they may want to engage us in a military warfare to checkmate our development. We pray that this will not happen. Therefore, we must keep the military away from duties that are not meant for them. 5. NIGERIA POLICE FORCE AND PROVISION OF LOGISTICS BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The state of the Nigeria Police Force is worrisome. The personnel of the Police do not have necessary logistics to work with in all the states of the country. There are no sufficient vehicles to perform our statutory duties of protection of life and property, maintenance of Law and Order, apprehension of offenders and enforcement of all laws with which the force is directly charged. Virtually al the State Police Commands rely on the assistance of the State Governments for the provision of vehicles, communications and necessary logistics. I came to Plateau State Command on July 11, 2011, a State that is facing serious security challenges. No single vehicle has been given to the Command by the Central Government. Apart from that, a single litre of fuel has not been given to the Command as well. How does the Federal Government want the Police to function and perform its statutory duties under this type of climate? If not the assistance from the State Government. Everything could have collapsed. Therefore, if we want the problem of insecurity to become something of the past in Nigeria, the Federal Government must take the issue of internal security serious by giving the Nigeria Police the attention it deserves. If this is not done, there will be increased criminal activities in the country. Police cannot perform magic because you cannot build something on nothing. The Federal Government must wake up and play its constitutional role of providing security for the people living in the country. 6. THE NIGERIA POLICE AND TRAINING Training is essential and necessary to the development of the Nigeria Police. Without proper training, we may not have a Police that will be able to provide adequate and comprehensive security in the country. Therefore, we need to train and re-train our personnel to change their attitude. Behavioral pattern and their psychological disposition. Invariably, this will affect their conduct and fine tune them for pure professionalism. In view of this, our training institutions all over the country must be modernized and equipped with necessary training facilities to enable them meet the standard of Police Training Institutions in developed countries. Our training institutions now are substandard and they cannot support modern Police training. Also, apart from giving our personnel comprehensive training locally, I want to suggest that, they should be given training in foreign training institutions as well to expose them to modern Policing technique. If we can do, this, our Police will be properly positioned to meet modern security challenges. 7. AMPUTATION OF THE NIGERIA POLICE FORCE BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Another way the Nigeria Police Force is being castrated by the Federal Government is through the establishment of some organizations to perform part of the duties the Nigeria Police has been performing. If one looks at the establishment of Federal Road Safety, National Security and Civil Defence Corp, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, EFCC, ICPC, NAFDAC etc, it will be difficult for one to justify the rationale behind such establishment. To me there is no justification for this. It is gradual amputation of the Nigeria Police Force. The fund that Government is allocating to these agencies has left the Police completely under funded and extremely neglected. I believe that all these Agencies should be merged with the Police as an instrumentality to save money being expended on them and focus on strengthening the Nigeria Police Force the way is done in developed Countries. We cannot continue to toil with the Nigeria Police Force as being presently done by the Government. 8. CURRENT SECURITY CHALLENGES IN THE COUNTRY Presently Nigeria is experiencing serious problem do internal security that can affect our socio-economic and political development. We must do something about it if we want to navigate successfully to our destination. Robert McNamara said that: “In a modernizing society, security means development. Security is not Military Force, though it may involve it. Security is not military activity, though it may include it. Security is development and without development there can be no security”. That presupposes that without security in any given collectivity there will be no development. Therefore, we must address adequately and comprehensively the issue of Boko Haram in the Northern part of Nigeria, the protracted ethno-religious crisis on the Plateau, kidnapping in the South-Eastern States and armed robbery in Sothern States of Nigeria. These problems have created serious insecurity in the country and this has made some western countries to warn their citizen’s from coming to Nigeria. When there is a problem like this, that is affecting the fundamental existence of a Nation, something must be done. In 1920 after the defeat of the Menshevik by the Bolshevik, Lenin asked a question that, what is to be done? This question is called communistic question. The Soviet ion thereafter, solved their problem and the country became one of the two super powers. We must wake up in Nigeria and tackle frontally our several security challenges in the country. The crisis on plateau must be stopped. This has been on for too long. Plateau used to be a state of peace and tourism. It can be re-enacted again. We have done our best on the plateau and history will judge us. Also, rampaging Boko Haram elements must be arrested for with through a well coordinated intelligence. That is intelligence that is not anchored on playing to the gallery. The intelligence providers should not be seen, nor heard,. They will only be passing intelligence to the end user. Not that they will be arresting suspected Boko Haram members and rush them to press centre for unnecessary showmanship. This cannot help us in our battle against them. We must fumigate Boko Haram out of Nigeria so that Nigeria will not be subjected to unnecessary security hazard. Furthermore, the Nigeria Police has proved its professionalism in various peacekeeping operations outside the country. Therefore, it can tackle the issue of Boko Haram, Kidnapping, armed robbery problems in the country if the Federal Government can equip it sufficiently. Provision of security is costly. Hence, federal Government must spend money on the Police to tackle these problems. If this is done, I assure you that peaces will retune to everywhere in Nigeria. And then within few years time Nigeria will become one of the twenty leading countries in the world. Not even that, Nigeria can rule the world. 9. AGITATION FOR STATE POLICE The on-going agitation for State Police in Nigeria is in order. There is no single Federation in the world apart from Nigeria where Police is controlled by the Central Government alone. Put differently, having Police at all levels of Government is the hall mark of a Federal system of Government. Even under the 1963 Republican constitution in Nigeria, there were the Nigeria Police at the Centre, Native Authority Police in the Northern Region and Loc al Government Police in the Southern Nigeria. That apart, with the inability of the Federal Government to properly fund the Police as highlighted above, the need for the State Police cannot be overemphasized. Though, the anti-State Police elements are basing their arguments on the fear of misusing the State Police against political opponents by the State Governments. This argument is not tenable. Is the Federal Government misusing the Nigeria Police now? Apart from that, can we fail to do the right thing because of fear that cannot be well established? Establishment of State Police in Nigeria is the sine qua non for effective security in Nigeria. 10. MY CAREER IN THE NIGERIA POLICE Despite all the problems in the Nigeria Police Force as I have said earlier, the Nigeria Police Force is still a good organization to work with. I have no regret for the more than 32 years I spent there. Even, I want to thank God for all he has done for me. I enjoyed every bit of my tenure in the Nigeria Police Force. At this juncture, I want to pay glowing tribute to all the past and present Police Leaders. However, I want to mention some past Inspectors –General of Police who inspired me with their dynamic leadership, professionalism and managerial ability. They are (1) IGP Adamu Slueiman (Rtd) (2) IGP Sunday Adewusi (Rtd) (3) IGP M.D. Yusuf (Rtd) and (4) IGP Tafa Balogun (RTD). The present Police Leadership should stand up and build a Police Force that will become the pride of black man in Africa and Diaspora. We can do it, if we determine to do it. I love the Nigeria Police and if I have opportunity again, I will join the police. Further, I want to thank the Government and good people of Plateau State for supporting the State Police Command. Our assignments on the Plateau could have been impossible if not the support of the people and the Government of the state. We have done our best on the Plateau; we have improved the security in the state. I can beat my chest that we have done well. And the peace we are building on the plateau will make the Plateau State a place where criminal intimidation wills not prevent law abiding citizens from actualizing themselves. God will bless the plateau. Finally, I want to thank my wife and the children for standing firmly behind me during my tenure in the Nigeria Police Force. I love you. In conclusion, I want to say that no matter what, the Nigeria Police will not collapse. It will survive all odds. Very soon we shall celebrate the Nigeria Police Force because the dried bones shall rise again. Thanks and God Bless.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:46:04 +0000

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