Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade Expanding the Scope of Political - TopicsExpress


Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade Expanding the Scope of Political Service to the People Many will agree with me that Politicians believes Roads, School Buildings and Water Boreholes as the only areas of services to the people. Mr. Donald Duke came and added environmental cleanliness and land scaping. His uniqueness kept many employed till date and made our Urban Areas pleasant in sights. Senator Liyel Imoke came with Peace because some amount of peace eluded the State in an attempt to engage Cabals. Liyel focused on Peace. Today those who enjoyed the existence of Cabal brutality are undermining the Peace created by Liyel as weakness. Well, Liyel may have delayed them in directions but we wait to see the end of his peaceful journey. Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade, came after the Prophets, Ushered in by John the Baptist of our time, making him the Saviour left to unify Cross River and lead them to Self Reliance and Utilisation of God given natural resource so plentiful. His coming in Senate Glory, put the Northern Senatorial District and the State at large on a pace of New Political discoveries and uncommon services to the people. He Feed the Hungry, Treated the Sick, house the homeless, schooled those without School Fees and made movement have a face to stable transport system, first of its kind in Cross River State, Ayade Mottors. The Baptizer came with so much money, yet without compared to the change wonders of Gods own chosen one, Senator Benedict Ayade. Little wonder then that a little attempt to divert his interest, the Baptizer and His Disciples made the State ungovernable to the King makers. Today political education is directed towards development and service to the people, no matter how little but the mark is clear that today those treated will judge, those feed will judge, those enjoying subsidies transport system will judge, those leaving leak roofs to comfortable houses will Judge, those going to school, home and abroad, will judge. Who then is a true leader? It is not how long but how well. Jesus was not the Oldest man on earth but was the greatest man who ever walk the earth. The greatest teacher and one respected by all Great men. To a point, I came to agree that any man great, Is that Man who sees the Greatness in others and build and consolidate. Jesus never condemned the Prophets, but consolidated their prophecies to fulfilment. A true leader is one who do not enjoy condemnation of others to make a mark, but He who accept foundations and build on them. Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade, Humility is another quality seen and proven. And that is another great quality of a true leader with a direction for the people. Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade, before becoming a Senator displayed that Humble quality before Senator Greg Ngaji, and the entire Cross Riverians can agree with me that Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade is an epitome of Humility in Cross River Politics. What else can a people look for in a leader that is lacking in Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade? He has a true will to change our system and add value to the generations born and unborn. If all supporters can X-Ray their projected leaders as Ayade is done, then we can see that there is a difference when its comes to Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade. Even those fighting Him knows deep down their hearts that He is the only man that can still accept all and work with all as if nothing was between them before. That shows Ayade as a man of Mercies and a leader with a large heart. We cannot but say, Senator Prof. Benedict Ayade is our Governor Come 2015.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:22:33 +0000

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