Senators Larry Martin, John Courson, Luke Rankin, and Robert Hayes - TopicsExpress


Senators Larry Martin, John Courson, Luke Rankin, and Robert Hayes are the Senate Education Committee K-12 and have a great deal of influence to encourage their colleagues to support S. 300 which will Stop Common Core before it does any further damage to your children . However, they appear to be playing games with us when it comes to repealing Common Core. We never wanted a watered down version of S.300! We are pleased that S.300 was passed out of the Senate Education Committee and is now can be on the Senate floor for full and open debate. However...this will NEVER happen if S.300 is NOT set for Special Order! These Senators are attempting to confuse the issue of repealing Common Core by supporting S. 888 and NOT S. 300. Now we have I LOVE COMMON CORE Senators supporting S.888 for Special Order status INSTEAD of S.300. S.888 does NOTHING to repeal Common Core and is a WORTHLESS bill. The only viable explanation for these Senators actions of supporting S.888 is to provide cover for themself and other senators who love Common Core to have a bill to pass out of the Senate so they can CLAIM they did all they could to repeal Common Core. But S.888 WILL NOT repeal Common Core! Please write/call these Senators TODAY and tell them to quit playing games and quit taking advantage of the ignorance they assumes most voters have of the senate rules, and set S.300 for Special Order – NOT S.888! They are acting like wolves in sheeps clothing...dont let them fool you into thinking they are doing ANYTHING to stop these child abusive standards! Every Republican senator that votes against setting S.300 for Special Order is supporting Common Core and we will be SURE to advise their constituents that they were the road block to repealing Common Core. Senator Larry Martin, Sen. Hayes, Sen. Rankin, and Sen. Courson are putting themselves in jeopardy of being possibly censured by county GOPs because the SC STATE GOP passing a resolution against the implementation of Common Core! Although senate elections are two years away, WE THE PEOPLE will begin immediately recruiting credible candidates to oppose these senators in the 2016 primaries and our over 4,000 “likes” on face book will put all of our energy and resources into supporting their challengers. Common Core is a federal takeover of South Carolina’s education system and this has never been more evident than in recent weeks as senators who debate the issue raise the concern of losing federal Title I funds. How can anyone continue to deny that we have given over our educational authority to the federal government when these threats are being made? Furthermore, they are simply threats. The proponents of Common Core are suggesting that we will jeopardize our No Child Left Behind waiver, thereby losing our federal Title I funds, if we don’t keep Common Core. However, Texas never adopted Common Core and they have a No Child Left Behind waiver. In addition to that, the federal government would not withhold the entire Title I amount, but simply the administrative portion, which is only 1% of the Title I funds. The only time this has ever occurred was in California during George W. Bush’s administration and even the 1% was ultimately reduced. Not to mention the cost of continuing down the Common Core path of destruction. Common Core is estimated to cost South Carolina taxpayers $250 million in the just the first seven years. Parents and taxpayers are fed up with the games the senators are playing with our efforts to repeal Common Core. Early childhood specialists have said the K-3 Common Core standards will cause psychological damage to children, so why in the world any senator, regardless of their political party affiliation, want to allow child abusive standards? DEMAND the repeal of Common Core and put and an end to these abusive standards causing harm to your children! ANY damage to young children and in our state will be on your hands, Senators! NO MORE HEAD GAMES SENATORS – set S.300 for Special Order – Not S.888! contact these Senators Today! here:
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:52:40 +0000

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