Senators Negotiate Back Room Deal on Gang of Eight Bill Call Your - TopicsExpress


Senators Negotiate Back Room Deal on Gang of Eight Bill Call Your Senators NOW and Tell Them Not to Cave!!! Over the past 24 hours Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND) have negotiated a deal with the Senate Gang of Eight that they hope will get enough votes to secure passage of the massive amnesty bill, S.744. There is no time to lose! Call your Senators NOW and tell them: You oppose amnesty and They should not fall for more false promises of border security. Senators Corker, Hoeven and the Gang of Eight have not released official text of the deal, but media outlets report that the deal still does not change the core structure of the bill that grants illegal aliens amnesty FIRST and then offers promises of border enforcement sometime in the future. Indeed, sources say that the Corker-Hoeven deal does little more than add Border Patrol agents and fencing to the amnesty bill. But don’t forget, any resources for border security that are promised in the future still need Congress to appropriate the money. And Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, said on the floor just days ago that she would NOT appropriate any money for the “dumb fence.” Thus, the deal Senators Corker and Hoeven have agreed to — and are right now using to persuade other Senators to join them — has no teeth. It gives illegal aliens amnesty right away and gives Congress ample opportunity to defund or water-down any border security resources promised in the bill. Americans already know how this works: Congress already promised us a border fence back in 2006. That requirement for 700 miles of double-layered fencing has now been watered down to a few miles of double-layered fencing and “vehicle barriers” that don’t stop the flow of aliens illegally crossing into the U.S. With this deal in the works, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is already suggesting he wants to rush the bill through the Senate, and may hold a vote to end debate as early as Saturday — two days from now!!!! Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has also told the media that the next 24-36 hours will make or break the bill. There is no time to lose!!! Call your Senators now and tell them not to support the Corker-Hoeven deal. Tell them that you want border security BEFORE amnesty and won’t be fooled any more by false promises. You can find the phone number of your Senators here. Also, to call Senators Corker and Hoeven and tell them to stop selling out the American people, call the Capitol Switchboard: 1-888-978-3094
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:57:08 +0000

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