Send YOUR message to Gov. Nixon and sign the petition demanding - TopicsExpress


Send YOUR message to Gov. Nixon and sign the petition demanding his resignation. Mr. Nixon, You have overstepped your authority, failed MY community, endangered the public, and put many Officers lives in danger with your reckless, irresponsible meddling into command decisions, only qualified law enforcement officials can make. Your dereliction of duty, allowing countless hours of looting to occur unchecked and on live TV, in Ferguson, MO 8/16/2014, is unforgivable and should be met with charges filed against you in criminal court. Sir, I am a democrat, I have helped on your campaigns and worked hard to help elect and keep you office. I can not in good conscience allow you to Govern our fine state any longer. You put politics and your fear of losing the black vote, above Police, Fire Fighters, EMS personnel, and the publics safety and well-being. You have disgraced the great State of Missouri, this community, your office and the entire democratic party! We the people demand your immediate resignation and will proceed with impeachment procedures if need be. This type of behavior from a seated Governor is unforgivable! Please resign immediately and spare this great State the embarrassment and cost of impeachment procedures.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:33:30 +0000

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