Send in the Cowards.... Its High Noon for the Press around - TopicsExpress


Send in the Cowards.... Its High Noon for the Press around the world. .They need to decide if they represent free speech, or if theyre subservient to Islam. Its that simple. A scant few members of the press have decided to air the image/cover of the French magazine Charlie Hebros latest edition.... USA Today, citing the newsworthiness of the cover, made the difficult and brave decision to air the image. Its time for others to follow suit. You cant have it both ways. Either youre a bastion of free speech, or youre a coward who does not take the difficult stance, and cowers to Islam... if you cower in fear and dont run the images, you do a grave disservice to the memory of the executed journalists of Charlie Hebdo who paid for their free speech beliefs with their lives... I dont personally see the point in some of the magazines imagery, and in fact some of their politics, but as a free man, in a free country where my forefathers fought & died for my free speech rights, I applaud their right to do so... Their past stories of Christianity, and unflattering images of Jesus Christ, though may not something I want to see, my ire, if my displeasure were even to rise to that level, would never drive me to slaughter & violence..... Neither does my faith... I personally find it offensive and the ultimate hubris that Islam declares its prophet to be so divine that imagery, in fact the mere mention of him is blasphemous, and warrants vengeance & violence... Is their faith more cherished than mine? I dont think so. There are more Christians than Muslims (and, btw, we have the bomb)... Yet we dont issue fatwahs, or respond with violence when someone mentions our savior Jesus Christ, or displays unflattering imagery of him. And by the way, Muslim faithful, he (Jesus Christ) is not to be referred to as The Prophet Jesus Christ... He is our savior. Im not overly religious, but it offends me when you try and refer to the savior of my faith as if Muhammed is his equal or that referring to Jesus thusly conveys some kind of legitimacy on Muhammad... . But, dont worry, I wont start killing Muslims because you do that.... And finally, why does the Press air statements from terrorist organizations? How can you say this is newsworthy, while these people are actively killing Western civilians, and promoting violence against us, yet you cower in fear when presented with the choice of running the image of Charlie Hebdos cover of its latest edition? Grow a pair, members of the Press...
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:37:42 +0000

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