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Send to us by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous. UNEDITED! Regarding da cable theft story I knw the major problem. Well we cn nt blame city power bt some where some hw I hv a blame on dem, I mean I wrked hand in glove wth city power dats why I can put a blame on dem wth no doubt. City power has a slogan dat they dnt hv a sub contractor dat closes da open trenches like exposed cables bt they only have sub contractors dat replaces cable wen it is stolen and remember dat cable was exposed da nyt b4 they stole it and they hv a security componey dat patrol in ennerdale by da name of vernus africa whom are resposible for exposed cables hence it is their duty to patrol even to lay an ambush cos city power cnt close it. So all dat fails den at da end of da day we guys frm ext1 an 2 dat two lines running frm ennerdale sub station towards ext1 and ext 2 in james street are the major targets an we da victims who stays wth out power we need to stand up, but nt to point finger at any political parties bt by acting like lawly community , I mean lawley residents have whistles dat they blow wen they come across any problem an hold a meeting an cum up wth da solutions within dem, e.g they wer once victims of cable theft in their area bt gone are those days cos they acted against it wth no help frm police or city power like if the cable is exposed , they used to gather ther till da sun rise den they close the trench on their own for their own sake so why cnt we be like them ? Lets all remember dat city power dsnt suffer any loss wen a cable is stolen cos they said dat cable has an insurence so obvious dats why dey dnt care if cable is exposed or if there is any kind of attempt they jst wait till it goes den they come an replace. Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 08:08:45 +0000

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