Send your Love The rebels in every country experiencing - TopicsExpress


Send your Love The rebels in every country experiencing revolutionary war whove taken to violence and warfare dont all agree with the idea of war, and indeed, many of them are sickened by it. They do what they feel is right to bring about a new paradigm, and while we and you all understand that violence isnt and has never been the correct way to enable and spread peace, understand that those within various rebel groups who genuinely feel theyre doing the right thing and wish for positivity and peace to come about from what theyre doing are still beautiful spiritual beings who deserve the same Love and respect every aspect of our Creator does. Send your Love to the children who cant sleep at night for fear of attacks or escalation of warfare, and understand that youre all seeking betterment of yourselves individually and collectively in the various ways youve chosen to do so. Recognize the good-hearted nature of every facet of your populace, and forgive those with hatred in their hearts who seek only to manifest constant misery and suffering in the rest of your populace. They too will understand by way of karma what theyve done, and they too will seek compassion and empathy at a later stage along their growth when theyve realized all of this. Wipe away the perceptions of evil from your minds and hearts, dear souls, and when clearly confronted with evil or lower-dimensionality in your Lives, bless it from a far away and detached standpoint. Please dont allow hatred or perception of hatred to fill your hearts any more, dear souls. Its Created so much difficulty for you individually and collectively, and we can feel the deeper facets of each of you who are ready to see your perception of hatred give way to much greater perceptions of good; of Love; of everything youve always been meant to find and rediscover. Embrace the brimming Love and joy of your existence, dear souls. Know that theres never any reason to feel as if youre naïve or have misunderstood what you can feel in your heart of hearts to be reality, and know that others will have differing opinions to yours and that this doesnt make you any less valuable. You are each more valued than we could express, and if you could see even the effects your individual vibration is having on the collective consciousness than youd understand why we choose to express this repeatedly about you. Tap into the Love that you can feel deep within, and understand that this Love is real and certainly doesnt plan to go anywhere. Nor will you dear awakening souls suddenly depart from being able to perceive of it. Rather, your perception of it will grow and grow until youve re-acclimated yourselves with the blissful experience youll have brought back into your understanding.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:58:04 +0000

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