Seneca Busybrain Chisom How many times have you heard the old - TopicsExpress


Seneca Busybrain Chisom How many times have you heard the old adage, life is a blank canvas? Can you imagine yourself as a great master painter? You may have thought that you had to be born an artist, but try to get past that notion, as I take you on a journey. A journey of your own dreams & imagination. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in front of a huge blank canvas. Picture that canvas as being the life you have always wanted. Today, that canvas may look blank, but you, as the painter and creator, can choose to have whatever painted upon that grand piece of cloth. You can start to choose the life you have always dreamed of, always imagined in your dreams, vivid and clear in your mind, colorful in every way. Now, hold your color-palette & pick the biggest brush you can possibly imagine and dip it into the paint colors of your choice. Begin to raise your arm and apply the brightly colored paints stroke-by-stroke freely and joyfully as you can. Picture all the colors of the rainbow, spreading generously across the canvas just the way you want it to look. Be bold with your color choices and apply it with courageous & strong strokes. Don’t worry about it being perfect, just do what you want with it, like a child at play. Joy is the perfect partner when mixed with imagination. Paint with joy & happiness as you create your masterpiece. This is just how your life can be, colorful, happy, joyful & vivid. Just the way you always wanted it to be. However, the key is that we must believe that anything we can dream, anything we can imagine is possible & obtainable. You have to believe with all your heart, that you have & hold, all the abilities within you to make it happen. Do you want a better job or to start a new career? Do you want a warm & loving family life? Imagine it! Do you want to travel and adventure into parts of the world you only read about in books? Imagine it! This is your life and you deserve to live it most fruitfully. If you can only imagine something in your mind to better your life, it can happen. It may take some work, and you might have to get out your paints and start to create and take the necessary actions in the direction of that dream, one step at a time, but it will be well worth it! The realization of your dream, depends on how badly you desire it and how hard you are willing to work towards its fulfillment. Much has been written about people with big dreams & high hopes that seemed impossible. Dream your dream, imagine your goal, for it can’t be too big, if you truly want it bad enough. Create your dreams & achieve your goals from the realization, that you hold all the power within you and paint those achievements passionately from every color in the spectrum.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 04:50:23 +0000

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