Sensational confession of Ibran Mustafic, Bosnian Muslim war - TopicsExpress


Sensational confession of Ibran Mustafic, Bosnian Muslim war veteran and politician: We were killing our own people in Srebrenica. At least 1,000 Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica were killed by their compatriots during the breakthrough to Tuzla in July 1995, because there were lists of those who ” have to be prevented from reaching the freedom,at any cost” said one of the founders of the SDA in Srebrenica, Ibran Mustafic. ** Ibran Mustafic is the author of the book “Planned Chaos” whereas some of the crimes committed by soldiers of the (Muslim) Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbs are for the first time recognized and described, as well as the permanent Western illegal arm shipment to Bosnian Muslim separatists before and during the war, and what’s significant, even during the period when Srebrenica was demilitarized zone under UN protection. Mustafic tells about inter Muslim clashes and general debauchery in the municipality which has been ruled by mafia under the Bosniak military commander, Naser Oric. Because of the torture of ordinary people in 1994, when Oric and local authorities were selling humanitarian aid at exorbitant prices – instead of giving it out to those in need – many Bosnians voluntarily fled Srebrenica . “Those who sought salvation through Serbia, managed to arrive at their final destination, and those who fled towards Tuzla (ruled by the Muslim army) were persecuted,“ Mustafic unveils. The first knowledge of the crimes against Serbs Mustafic got in Tuzla where he escaped from Sarajevo in 1992.... theremustbejustice.wordpress/2014/01/23/sensational-confession-of-ibran-mustafic-bosnian-muslim-war-veteran-and-politician-we-were-killing-our-own-people-in-srebrenica-srebrenica/
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:03:21 +0000

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