**Sensitive subject alert, keep rude comments to yourself** Due - TopicsExpress


**Sensitive subject alert, keep rude comments to yourself** Due to new federal regulations on childhood obesity, public schools will no longer be allowed to host any school parties. This is on a paper Isa gave me today from school. I am so HAPPY about this. I cant help it! IM SO TIRED of my kids coming home and they had a party that day and they have baggies or plates FULL of cookies, cakes, cupcakes and candy. TIRED. Do I let them have some? Sure. All of it? Heck no. Childhood obesity is REAL. And it is SERIOUS. People are either uneducated or they dont care and choose to ignore it. This makes me sad. Teach your children good habits. Teach them to eat healthy foods that are meant for their bodies. Stop giving them crap crap crap food! That processed food is NOT meant for their bodies to digest! Its HURTING them whether you can see it on the outside or NOT. Oh I ate this when I was little and I grew up fine. #arguementINvalid TIMES HAVE CHANGED. Food nowadays is SO modified and so many people just dont care. They want what is easiest and fastest. Im right there with you!! But my childrens health is important! Idk about you but idk any parent who doesnt care about the health and well being of their child; yet most just continue to ignore the issues that are going on with what is being fed to our children of the next generation. Its a TRUE PROBLEM. WE AS PARENTS can start and continue to FIX IT. So, fix it. #justdoit #fixtheproblem #betheexample #itisntfunny #thisisseriousstuff
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:40:49 +0000

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