Sent by Advocate Vinod Gangwal: Rape of 3 Years Girl Child. - TopicsExpress


Sent by Advocate Vinod Gangwal: Rape of 3 Years Girl Child. officer of Kharghar police station taken huge money, Evidence -Video Footage of Kharghar Police Station. 2. Bogus Case against me, wrong section 353,354,504,506,34 torture by Police, not Following supreme court and High court guide lines while arrest, forgery in Govt documents, threat to put me in false case by Zone II police officer, not doing enquiry Even after repeated request to Commissioner of police, Deputy Commissioner of police etc. Even after Calling to Control room and giving information on Senior officers Mobile Numbers. To, 1. President of India, Govt of India. 2. Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Delhi 3. Chief Justice of Bombay High Court. Bombay High Court. Mumbai. 2. Human Rights Commission, Mumbai. 3. Chief Secretary, Maharashtra Govt. 4. Home Secretary, Maharashtra Govt. 5. Director General police of Maharashtra. 7. District Magistrate, Alibaug 8. Chief Judicial Magistrate, Panvel Court. Panvel. 9.Commissioner of Police office of Navi Mumbai police Commissioner CBD Belapur. Navi Mumbai. Sub : 1. Rape of 3 Years Girl Child. officer of Kharghar police station taken huge money, Evidence -Video Footage of Kharghar Police Station. 2. Bogus Case against me, wrong section 353,354,504,506,34 torture by Police, not Following supreme court and High court guide lines while arrest, forgery in Govt documents, threat to put me in false case by Zone II police officer, not doing enquiry Even after repeated request to Commissioner of police, Deputy Commissioner of police etc. Even after Calling to Control room and giving information on Senior officers Mobile Numbers. Dear Sir, With reference to the subject cited above, I Vinod D Gangwal a Journalist of Navi Mumbai, a Social activist and Law Graduate would like to reveal & complain to you regarding the actual law and order Situation and practices being followed by the Kharghar police station coming under Zone II of Navi Mumbai Police. 1. Undersigned is a Senior Journalist, Social worker , Advocate and raised several social issues, and Filed many PIL in the high court, and published various article in the Mukt Bharat a Weekly News paper. and many times done Aandolan/Uposhan in Navi Mumbai. Recently Sat on Hunger Strike in a Case where one Mr. Valchand Munde Senior PI of Uran police station has taken bribe of Rs. one Crore from Sandal Smugglers, but after my Uposhan in front of CP office he was suspended. Recently undersigned has Filed Various PIL in High court, where one time Budget of 12500 Crore was Challenged in bombay high court. all the facts can be checked at the website vinodgangwal, and Can be checked on Google. 1. After the Nirbhaya Rape Case in Delhi the high court and Supreme Court laid down many guide lines and procedure to be followed in Rape Cases. one Such Case of Navi Mumbai is of a 3 Year Child who was raped twice. when her mother Sapna ( 7 Months pregnant) approached the kharghar police to register complaint for the same, but complaint was not registered and she was made to wait for 8 Hours in the police Station. This case reveals the misuse of power of police. and disregard for the guide lines issued by Supreme Court and High Court. 2. That on Dated 23 November, 2014 , I received a call on my mobile No. 9892695873 at 7:30 pm approximately from Mr Nilesh Jain, who is my friend, who told me that his brother’s maidservant ‘s 3 year old daughter had been RAPED for which the maid was at the Kharghar police station to register a complain since 12 noon that day . ( Evidence CCTV Footage of Kharghar Police Station, Witness Nilesh Jain , Vijan Chaudhari, Vinod Gangwal, Prakash Bohra , Swapana Wankhede, Victim -Nirbhaya Navi Mumbai) 3. Since her complain had not been registered till then , Mr Nilesh Jain requested me to look into the matter. I left for the police station with my friend ,Mr Prakash Bohra and reached at 7.45 pm. We were received outside the police station by one Mr. Vijan Chaudhari , the driver of Mr Nilesh ‘s brother , who had brought the maid ,her daughter and her mother-in-law to the police station. this Fact can be checked by CCTV Footage. (Witness Mr. Vijan Chaudhari) 4. Me, Prakash Bohra and Vijan Chaudhari , all of us went to the first floor of the station , We all saw that There in a separate room (there was no cctv coverage), the maid Sapna was crying with her daughter on her shoulder (Rape Victim) and was being threatened by a male police officer Mr. Lokhande, not to register a complaint , as she would have to come to the police station everyday and her daughter would not be able to identify the accused. Reason for not registering the FIR was best known to Senior PI Mr. P.P. Patil, Mr. Darker, Mr. Lokhande etc. these all the facts were communicated to police Control room between 8.30 PM to 10.30 PM. ( Call record/Voice record can be checked at police Control room of Navi Mumbai Police) 5. I objected to this and said that according to law , only a female officer of a particular rank was authorised to question a female Rape victim and the primary duty of the police was to register a F.I.R immediately and send the victim for a medical check-up , which had not been done till then.(Mrs Sapna was Seven months pregnant and had been waiting since morning, no food was given to her). She was literally crying .Instead of doing their duty of registering FIR, they were trying to suppress the matter and informing Sapana in Marathi you have to come every day, so why you are registering FIR, its better you take your complaint back. and also Wanted Some money to close the matter from Rape Victim. 6. I then recorded the statement of the maid in my mobile as evidence of female victim being questioned by a male officer (as there was no cctv coverage in that room). this is clear cut Violation of Supreme court guide lines and High court guide lines. 7. All of us then came down to the ground floor. The maid was standing outside the senior P.I ., P.P. Patil ‘s cabin. I was in front of the cctv camera , making calls to my journalist friends to inform them about the incident . I asked the officer to register a complaint against the senior P.I . P.P.Patil , Mr. Lokhande and Mr. Darekar, which he did not. I mailed a complaint to the commissioner of Police and called up the control room about 6 times and complained but no body responded. The recording of this is available with the control room . My wife also mailed to the CP but got no response. all this incidents can be checked on CCTV Footage of Kharghar police Station. and to Corroborate truth mobile record is available. 8. Just then the senior P.I. PP Patil came out rushing saying such evidence would put all the officers in trouble and started manhandling me, .He said that “I was arrested. “ 9. The police , by misusing its power, kidnapped and arrested me n my friend Mr. Prakash Bohra.My phone was confiscated . in the night some Constable came in the Detection room , which is without CCTV Camera, and said me to sign arrest form, where section 353 , 354 & 34 IPC was applied, i was not informed my legal rights, and My family was not informed, my nearest friend was not informed. My wife has given in writing to the police that “she had not been informed of my Arrest.” 10. I came to know that The maid’s 50 year old mother-in-law Mrs. Tara Bai Kailash Wankhede was made to make a Signed /thumb impression on blank paper and the police made a false complaint against me on her behalf. According to the complaint , I had narrated vulgar poetry to her , i Touched her body parts etc. This story is made up by Senior PI Mr. P.P. Patil, Mr. Darekar, Mr. lokhande and all the Video footage is available in kharghar police Station, in front of Senior PI, and at least 50 police persons in Kharghar. 11. I went to help a Poor lady whose daughter had been raped, and after my complaints, information to Control etc a Rape case against a power full person was registered, but police wanted to close the rape case for the reason best known to them. Since i disclosed all the facts to Commissioner of police and to my media friends police could not suppress Rape Case. 12. The mother-in –law of Sapna Wankhede Mrs. Tarabai Kailash Vankheded does not even know that any such complaint has been made on her behalf.I have audio video evidence to prove this. but police has registered a FIR against me and my friend Mr. Prakash Bohra, U/s. IPC -353,354,504,506,34,BPA-120. FIR No. I-346/2014 Dated 23 Nov, 2014. I am Attaching the Audio Proof of the Conversation of one of my Journalist friend Mr. Rajeev Mohan Mishra. in the conversation Mrs. Tarabai Kailash Vankhde who is complainant again me is telling that she has not given complaint against me, actually police has taken her signature on blank paper. and she is also telling that “ Vinod Gangwal “ has not touched her body , and nor spoke to her” 13. In FIR police has applied Section 353, which can be applied if some one is causing hindrance in government work etc, and complainant should be Government officer or authorised person but Mr. Patil Senior PI Wanted to frame me in false case so applied this section. Even complainant is not a Government Officer. 14. Another charge against me was causing hindrance in government work. I had in fact requested to speedup the mandatory process of registering F.I.R in a rape case of a minor which the police was trying to hush-up. and Statement of Victim of 3 years was being taken by male officers. Even IO in this matter was a Male officer, which is quite surprising. 15. Another charge against me is that of holding the collar of a government officer. The cctv footage can be checked for this. I am a law abiding Citizen, Expose many time corruption against Govt officers, Recently Corruption of Rs. 12500 Crore is Exposed by me and matter is pending before high court. I have not done any thing like that, Even police manhandled me, threatened me, applied illegal force, kidnapped me, sent me in Detection room without CCTV Footage. 16. Initially there were three sections in the F.I.R against me , (Section 353, 354 and 34 )but three more sections were slapped later by the police . When arrest form was filed i my self has seen above three Section, but in the court at the last moment i was given remand note where additional section were seen which is 504, 506, BP-120 . This is a case of forgery by police. if you see Enclosed FIR NO. 346, on the Top Left Side, receiving date is 27 but it is changed to 24.. this clearly show the forgery committed by police. 17. That I demanded Certified copy of FIR in the court but i was informed that FIR is not submitted by Kharghar police Station this is Contempt of Supreme court guide lines, FIR was actually submitted on 27 Nov, 2014 but police has forged the documents and rectified date of submission from 27 November -2014 to 24 November 2014, Because it is mandatory to submit FIR within 24 hours. so in this way 3 police officer is continuously involved in Criminal activities like forgery, kidnapping , life threats , tampering with evidences ETC. 18. I was also told by the police officers at kharghar police station that I would be trapped under the atrocities act and made to rot in jail for 90 days and then declared insane. Even one higher grade officer approached to me on Dated 27 Nov, 2014, and Stated the same thing, while I was in police lock up. so my case needs to be transferred to some other department or independent agency. 19. I was pressurised to sign a statement accepting the charges against me on the 26th , just before the 2nd hearing but I didn’t. this Video Footage is Available at Kharghar police Station. Time 6.30 PM to 7.30 PM. ( Evidence : Video came Footage of Lock Room timing 26 Nov 6.30 to 7.30) 20. I was sent to magistrate court, on 23rd where I & my friend Mr. Bohra was given 3 days PC, we got bail on 27th. I was kept in lock up room with criminals, Murders, robbers. Even police did not allowed to talk to my advocates. 21. The police will definitely try to tamper with evidence .i.e CCTv footage and my mobile which is with them. This was the reason i never wanted to give lock code of my phone to police officer i said him i will give my phone code to Magistrate, but i was beaten, threatened at many occasion. 22. Therefore an independent inquiry or Judicial Enquiry is required immediately to save evidence and bring truth to light. I am only feeling happy that because of my insistence and information to upper officer RAPE accused of 3 Years Victim has been arrested. If I would not have gone to the police station on 23rd November 2014, no F.I.R would have been registered against the accused in the rape case which is now there in all newspapers and this matter would have been buried by the police. There might be so many other cases which are being suppressed everyday by the police. 23. Therefore I request you all the Authority to immediately order for an Enquiry, protect my life and dignity punish to the guilty officers. 24. Police some officers constantly threatening me to apply atrocity case against me and fabricate me in false case.. so in Advance I am inform you that if such thing happens officers of the Zone II and Senior PI Kharghar, Mr. Darker IO in my Case, at Kharghar police Station, and other officers and PSI should be held responsible. Even if I am murdered in an accident all these person should be held responsible. and a through enquiry should be initiated against the person whose name here i have mentioned. 25. I also request higher officers to Change IO in my matter, since he threatened me many time, may temper evidences. I will send hard copy of this mail tomorrow to all the above dignitaries, but sending today it self via e mail so, because I am fearing that I can be falsely fabricated in some new cases as informed to me by some senior officers. 26. I am also planning to file Writ petition in bombay High court in next 10 days, but I think as police is behind me, threatening me, I may be put again behind the BAR. Request HOn’ble Chief Justice of Bombay High court to treat this my latter and e mail as Writ Petition. Thanking you in anticipation, Vinod Gangwal Complainant in Person Vinod Gangwal 915, Vashi Info Tech Park Sector 30 A Vashi. Navi Mumbai Maharashtra. Phone NO. 022 27815000, 27815100 web vinodgangwal mail advocategangwal@gmail
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:33:30 +0000

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