Sent by Bradley Manning : Just sent this to Broome Advertiser - TopicsExpress


Sent by Bradley Manning : Just sent this to Broome Advertiser ([email protected]) Dear Editor, In was with great dismay I read the double page story last week on BURU energy and their plans to Shale Gas Frack the Canning Basin, having already started 80kms east of Broome at Yallaru, just under our drinking water catchment. Manager for BURU Community Affairs Jon Ford says were not to worry because, “fluids and quantities used for Fracking were not toxic or harmful in any way.” Here’s what Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith from the National Toxic Network has to say, “They talk about such little amounts of chemicals being used, certainly our research shows that in many cases there are substantial quantities up to 18 tonnes per well, 40% of that can never be recovered and when you multiply that by the number of wells that the industry envisage the chemical usage really is phenomenal and the claim that these chemicals are the types of things that you find in your kitchen sink or in your bathroom cabinet is just absolute rubbish. We’re talking about chemicals that are carcinogens, neurotoxins, they are reproductive toxins they’re chemicals that cause sensitisation.” Or Dr Merryn Reddenbach from Drs for the Environment Australia. “We just don’t know what the potential impacts are going to be and that’s not just immediate impacts, this is impacts for generations to come because once those chemicals have gone into our ground water we cant get them out there’s no way of extracting those chemicals.” In reality this industry is filthy and toxic. It is not hard to see through the shiny veneer of corporate spin on page 11 of just one little gas well. This is a lie, there are 1000’s planned, then there’s the infrastructure too, just Google Tara or Casino, QLD. Or the Condamine River that now bubbles with toxic methane post Fracking, or Pilliga where the lake died after a leak from an evaporation pond. Successful blockades are springing up all over Australia and the world as people realise that any liter of drinking water is more precious than any gas they can get out of the ground. Mining companies lie, government authorities are complicit in the lies and this industry brings nothing but devastation. I suggest BURU Google Woodside and see what happened to that multi billion dollar project when they bullied their way into this dreamy, idyllic tourist town. We have done it before and we will do it again. Make no mistake Broomers, as Allan Jones shock jock says “this is the biggest threat facing Australia”, indeed, when our water is threatened this is not the fight of our lives but a fight FOR our lives. Now is the time. Educate yourself, Lock the Gate, before its too late.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 06:23:46 +0000

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