Sent by a fan - Taylor: Okay so someone just told me to calm - TopicsExpress


Sent by a fan - Taylor: Okay so someone just told me to calm down with my obsession with books especially Harry Potter. I dont think some people realize (some of you could be reading this right now if you had taken the time to) that some stories stay with us forever. No matter how old I get I will love Harry Potter. I grew up thinking life was something you just had to go through without adventure or excitement. But one day at walmart I stumbled upon a book and in the cover was a boy with a lightning scar on a broom and chasing a small golden ball.. Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone. I had nothing to do so I opened and soon I was enthralled with it. I couldnt get enough. I begged and pleaded for my mom to buy me the book and she did. I went home and I finished it and I felt.. Tingly.. I loved every word of the book and soon I discovered that it was a series and there was also a movie.. I loved every single one of them to death.. It became my childhood.. I watched every movie learning every line.. I laughed and cried with the golden trio , watched as they grew up, grew up with them!! And.. It was the summer before Deathly Hallows came out.. When I realized.. If I watch it.. The adventures are over.. No more hogwarts.. No more Harry.. Hermione.. Ron. It made my stomach drop.. But I went and saw it and I was.. On the edge of my seat.. And I broke when Dobby was killed.. My heart shattered but than I realized they made it into two parts.. I was so happy.. And again before part two came out I said no.. It cant be over.. No please.. No I didnt see it. I didnt watch any Harry potter for over a year.. When part one came on HBO. I watched and remembered how obsessed I had been and got on YouTube and watched some scenes from each movie.. Than I found the thank you speeches from part to and when J.K. Said Whether you come back by page or the big screen hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home I started crying... That night I watched part two.. I watched people who I thought of as friends.. Family.. Die.. Be killed in a war.. But.. Now. I know they died for a reason. They died to protect someone they loved,cared for, respected. But most of all. They protected a place that had become home to them. A home to me.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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