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Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Rushanara Ali Date: 17 October 2013 10:56:16 BST To: Subject: Newsletter from Rushanara Ali MP Reply-To: Rushanara Ali Latest news from Rushanara Ali MPs office View this email in your browser Welcome to my Newsletter Dear Friend. I’m delighted to be joining Labour’s Shadow Education team, as Shadow Minister for Education and Young People. So many of our young people have been failed by this government, which simply doesnt speak to their aspirations. Since October 2010, until this month, I have had the privilege of working as Shadow Minister for International Development. I’m proud of Labour’s legacy and the work that we have done as the Shadow International Development team. I want to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues Ivan Lewis MP and Tony Cunningham MP and Lord Ray Collins. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with international development NGOs and the many campaigners and organisers in this really important field. This newsletter provides highlights of my work over the summer, including the closure of many of my local community’s money transfer firms and cycle safety in London. The Save Remittance Giving Campaign Ive campaigned hard against the decision by Barclays to remove the bank accounts it offers small money transfer agencies. Many of these small firms now face closure, as the deadlines have passed. This will have a devastating effect on Somalia and Somaliland, as well as across Asia and other African countries, which is why I led a Westminster Hall debate to press the Government to step in. Over 122,000 people have signed our petition and I’m delighted that double Olympic champion Mo Farah has supported our campaign. Cycle safety in London In September, I spoke in the Private Members’ Bill on Cycling. I hope the message from the debate is clear: unless significant work is undertaken to make our roads safe for cyclists, people’s lives will continue to be at risk. Its vital that the government and London mayor at immediately to improve safety and promote cycling. I will continue to work hard on these and other matters and please do feel free to get in touch with any issues. Best wishes, Rushanara Like Tweet Forward to Friend Campaigning A big thank you to double Olympic champion Mo Farah for his support for our Save Remittance Giving Campaign Save Remittance Giving Campaign This summer, Barclays bank decided to terminate the bank accounts it holds for small, community-based money transfer firms. In response I started the Save Remittance Giving Campaign and organised almost 50 MPs to write to Barclays and the government to reconsider the decision. I was delighted that Olympic champion Mo Farah’s made a plea to Barclays not to close the bank accounts it offers small money transfer companies. Speaking in a press release, he said: “Around 40 per cent of people in Somalia depend on remittances to buy basics like food, medicine and other essentials. Cutting this lifeline will be a disaster... This will impact all the major aid organisations operating in the region, including my Foundation.” Our petition, which I delivered to 10 Downing Street last month, also now stands at over 122,000 signatories, so pressure is building on both Barclays and the government to reconsider. A lot of people came to deliver the petition and in particular from the Somali community in London who will be affected badly by Barclays’ decision. Too many people in the developing world are dependent on this lifeline, and too many people in Britain have close family and elderly relatives they are trying to help, to let this decision stand. Thanks to those of you who have helped with this campaign and those who have worked so hard to get so many thousands of signatories on the petition. Like Tweet Forward to Friend Bethnal Green and Bow Ive been campaigning in Bethnal Green and Bow during the summer and in Ramadan met with many hundreds of people. Local Events and Campaigns In August, I campaigned hard for the Save the Remittance Giving campaign. As Chair of the campaign, I was pleased to see, in August, many people from the local Somali community attended campaigns community event. Local activists and NGOs attended, as well as members from the local community who are concerned about the closure of small money transfer firms. During Ramadan, I met with community organisations and many hundreds of people. The month of Ramadan is a special time of reflection for all that we should be grateful for and has encouraged many of us to think about how we can help the most vulnerable who so desperately need our assistance and to make sure that we are speaking up, at home and internationally, for those who have no voice. Share Tweet Forward to Friend In Parliament In September, I spoke in the Private Members’ Bill on Cycling. Cycling safety in London In September, I spoke in the Private Members’ Bill on Cycling. During the debate, on September 2, I said: “I want to draw the House’s attention to the death in my constituency in July of Philippine De Gerin-Ricard, a 20-year-old student who was tragically killed while cycling. In the previous year, two others were killed on the ring road. I fully support the hon. Gentleman’s point about the need for investment to make roads safer, for drivers as well as cyclists. What can be done to reduce the number of minor and major injuries, which have increased by 29% in the past year—a dramatic increase since the period between 2005 and 2009?” Philippine collided with an HGV lorry at the junction, which is where the main A11, A13 and ring roads converge and became the third cyclist to die in collision with a lorry on or near Superhighway 2, after two cyclists were killed in separate incidents at the Bow roundabout in 2011. I will continue to urge both the Government and the Mayor of London to commit themselves fully to making our roads and junctions safer for cyclists by investing in cycling infrastructure, clarifying the rights of cyclists and making sure that cyclists are protected at all times on our roads. I hope the message from the debate and The Times campaign to the Government and local authorities is clear: unless significant work is undertaken to make our roads safe for cyclists, people’s lives will continue to be at risk. Syria In August, the House of Commons voted against the government’s proposed military action in Syria. I was among those who voted against, and opposed David Cameron’s rush to war. There were massive, unclear repercussions and, during the debate, Ed Miliband said: “We owe it to the Syrian people, to our own country, and to the future security of our world, to scrutinise any plans on the basis of the consequences that they have.” The continuing tragic stories and pictures we are seeing from Syria are an urgent reminder that the continuing conflict and escalating violence in Syria is costing lives every day. We need the international community to apply the strongest diplomatic pressure for a ceasefire and an end to the conflict along with unfettered humanitarian access in order to help the millions of internally displaced Syrian refugees. Like Tweet Forward to Friend International Work In September, I visited Bangladesh with Shabana Mahmood MP, and other members of a cross party delegation of MPs from the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Bangladesh to investigate the country’s garments industry following the Rana Plaza disaster. Like Tweet Forward to Friend Bangladesh visit In my capacity as Shadow Minister for International Development, I last visited Bangladesh in 2011 where I witnessed firsthand the working conditions of garments workers in the countrys booming garments industry and highlighted the need for better pay and labour standards in that sector. The collapse of the eight-storey Rana Plaza commercial building in Savar on the outskirts of Dhaka on 24 April 2013 tragically left 1,129 dead and 2,500 injured. This is due to a failure of government, the industry and the international community to protect people in the garments sector. In September, I visited Bangladesh with Shabana Mahmood MP, and other members of a cross party delegation of MPs from the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Bangladesh to investigate the country’s garments industry following the Rana Plaza disaster. These MPs included Jonathan Reynolds MP, Simon Danczuk MP, Anne Main MP and Nick Dubois MP. We visited a number of ready-made garments factories, evaluated working conditions and met garments workers. Our delegation also met with several organisations including the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and visited the Fire Service Civil Defence Training Complex which has been carrying out projects across Bangladesh focused on disaster relief and alleviating the risks imposed on the sector’s garments workers. We will publish a report on our findings in the coming weeks. In a meeting with the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, we had the opportunity to discuss the vital need to take action both at a national and international level to protect garments workers in response to the appalling collapse of the Rana Plaza complex. We also met the leader of the Bangladesh opposition Begum Khaleda Zia. With both the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition we discussed the importance of free and fair elections. I also met with Bangladeshi Nobel Peace Prize recipient, economist and banker, Professor Muhammad Yunus to discuss the need to campaign for better pay and working conditions for garments workers. I also opened a remittance bank in Syhlet, known as the NRB Bank. Share Tweet Forward to Friend In the Media The Economist wrote about my constituency work and case work surgeries this summer, in a piece entitled In defence of MPs The Economist In August, I featured in a profile in The Economist entitled In defence of MPs and which featured the work I do in my constituency surgeries for local people facing really tough times under the Tory-led government. Ive noted during my constituency surgeries how increasingly people are being hurt not just by the poor economic climate, but also by the current governments response to that climate. In that context, Im glad the Economist made note of just how important it is for MPs to make themselves available and then to lobby directly, as best they can, on behalf of their constituents. New Statesman In September, I wrote for the New Statesman about the appalling condition facing people who have fled the Syrian civil war. My article charted the spill over effect into neighbouring states, such as Lebanon, which I visited earlier this year to see for myself the negative regional impact of this prolonged conflict. Other Media Appearances During August, I appeared on LBC to discuss London’s housing crisis and the capital’s real need for new homes. In the same month, I also appeared on the Today programme and ITV’s live show Daybreak to discuss, and condemn, the shocking and racist comments recently made by Godfrey Bloom MEP with regard to the offensive and ridiculous phrase “Bonga Bonga land”. Save Remittance Giving Campaign: Media In August, I spoke to Al Jazeera outside Number 10 Downing Street while delivering the Save the Remittance Giving petition to David Cameron. I also appeared on US television network CNN and Channel 5 and have been quoted in the Financial Times talking about how important this issue is for so many people in Bethnal Green and Bow and the country as well as appearing on the Islam Channel in September to make the argument for saving the UK’s remittance giving sector. I’ve also written for the Guardian on this important issue, as well as appeared on the BBC, BBC News and BBC London to make clear how important the remittance giving sector is to so many people in Britain and the world. Campaigning for 2014: Fundraising Dinner for John Biggs AM I am delighted to invite you to join me at a fundraising dinner for Labours candidate for Mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs. It will be held on Tuesday 29th October, at the East Wintergardens in Canary Wharf from 7pm. The evenings speakers will include Margaret Hodge MP and Sadiq Khan MP, and David Lammy MP will also be dropping by to say a few words. The evening will offer great food in the beautiful surroundings of the East Wintergardens, and an opportunity to meet with Labour Councillors, AMs, MPs, and other supporters from the Labour Party and beyond. Tickets for the dinner are £100, and can be purchased by contacting Clare Harrisson on [email protected] or by phone on 07725478365. Share Tweet Forward to Friend Save Remittance Giving: Media This summer, I spoke to Al Jazeera outside Number 10 Downing Street while delivering the Save the Remittance Giving petition to David Cameron. I also appeared on US television network CNN and Channel 5 and have been quoted in the Financial Times talking about how important this issue is for so many people in Bethnal Green and Bow and the country as well as appearing on the Islam Channel in September to make the argument for saving the UK’s remittance giving sector. I’ve also written for the Guardian on this important issue, as well as appeared on the BBC, BBC News and BBC London to make clear how important the remittance giving sector is to so many people in Britain and the world. Share Tweet Forward to Friend Reproduced from an email sent by Rushanara Ali MP, promoted by Chris Weavers on behalf of Rushanara Ali MP, both at 349 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9RA. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:10:28 +0000

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