Sent yesterday to Prime Minister, DWP Ministers ccd to Ed - TopicsExpress


Sent yesterday to Prime Minister, DWP Ministers ccd to Ed Miliband Criminal Incompetence Prime Minister. mikesivier.wordpress/2014/03/17/good-riddance-to-bad-rubbish-universal-jobmatch-to-be-scrapped/ theguardian/money/2014/mar/16/dwp-jobs-website-universal-jobsmatch mikesivier.wordpress/2014/03/16/inequality-costs-britain-39bn-a-year/ When are you going to quit protecting the incompetent Master Of Failure at the DWP? He has now provably wasted £17 million of taxpayers money with his garbage website that his minions have compelled ordinary, financially disadvantaged people to sign up to, and it has provably cost many of those same people money in the form of scams. On top of the £17m, he has also, by insisting upon the websites necessity, cost the taxpayers of this country a further £6 million per annum in running costs. What else did Duncan Smith expect by asking a competitor to run his business? The man is a complete dunce when it comes to IT matters, and obviously business methods as well, or hed have seen this straight away. As it is, his Department ignored the warning that I gave about this very problem in an email over two years ago. Monster is a business that relies on job advertisements and CV banking. So Duncan Smith asked them to set up and run what would be a rival service under the DWPs banner! This in spite of the fact that Monster was, itself, hacked some three years ago! That is worse than stupidity, Prime Minister - it is tunnel-visioned arrogance of the most financially damaging kind. The DWP was told this, yet they continued with the project because its architect, Duncan Smith, had no viable alternative to switch to. He didnt have what it takes to stand up and admit that hed painted himself into a corner, did he? Since then he has issued lie after lie, after lie, to try and cover up the truth - that his pet project is destined to be an abject failure. Another in his long list of personal crashes. It is only a matter of time before hes going to have to admit that Universal Credit is not going to be worthwhile, and that project is scrapped as well at a cost of £400 million-plus. How much more money, that your Chancellor insists that the nation doesnt have, are you going to allow to be flung into that black hole before you finally pull the plug on it? In addition to the careless waste of which Duncan Smith is guilty, he has also been the driving force behind the creation of the worst poverty statistics that this country has seen since the early 1900s. His, and David Freuds, repeated refusals to acknowledge the link between their policies and the rise in poverty, particularly the blossoming of the food bank network, has shown them to be completely out of touch with reality, never mind the electorate. Duncan Smiths policies have actively contributed to a cost that this country should not have to be even considering covering - that of inequality, which has now been costed at the equivalent to the annual Defence budget. How much more proof do you need, Prime Minister, that this man is a dangerous liability to the nation before you finally sack him and replace him with someone who understands fully how the real world works? I notice that Freud has gone extremely quiet lately too. You really do need to get a grip on this flagrant and blatant waste of public funds before you permit your Chancellor to suck any more welfare support from those who depend upon it, and that means that you need to remove Iain Duncan Smith from his now untenable position, in order to begin doing what needs to be done, and investing in the creation of jobs that pay a living wage and are not funded by the overburdened taxpayers of this country. If that happens to throw a spanner into the works of Poundlands proposed flotation on the stock market, stiff bikkies. It is over 150 years since any company was last permitted to improve its balance sheet through the use of slave labour, and Poundland cannot be permitted to deceive potential investors in the public markets in this way. What is being done, and has been done since May 2010, has to stop, and it has to stop now. In any other industry the polices Serious Fraud Office would be scrambling all over it like ants because it is, quite simply, deception. The State has taken money from its citizens under false pretences and has used numerous breaches of the law in order to try and cover its tracks. In response to this abuse of trust and delegated authority, I predict the highest turnout for the 2015 election that we will have seen in decades. People will be going out to vote for Labour, not necessarily because they want them back in government, but just to ensure that they have a hand in evicting you and your cronyist cabal, and one man will be responsible for most, if not all, of those anti-Tory votes. Iain Duncan Smith - the man who has caused deaths and utter despair where those ills should never have had a chance to sprout, never mind flower. We have told you repeatedly that we do not forgive, and we do not forget. You have either chosen to ignore us, or you have been too weak to control your W&P Secretary. May 2015 will see that statement become a determined deed of vengeance against those who have caused such immeasurable suffering for the five years of your governments term in office. We will be helped by those far-right wingers in your own rank and file, along with the closet nazis who comment on the Yahoo news columns, who will be splitting your accustomed vote harvest by voting for UKIP. Sincerely,
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:42:21 +0000

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