Sep 15, 2014 08:25 By Torcuil Crichton 17 Comments THIRTEEN - TopicsExpress


Sep 15, 2014 08:25 By Torcuil Crichton 17 Comments THIRTEEN experts have written a joint letter to the Daily Record explaining exactly why they fear Scotland will not be richer or fairer after a vote for independence. 11978 Shares Share Tweet +1 Email Alamy A BAKER’S dozen of top economists have listed 13 reasons why the people of Scotland will be worse off if there is a Yes vote. Academics from universities across the country joined forces to spell out why they believe independence would be a “big mistake”. The 13 experts include the heads of economics at Edinburgh and Glasgow universities. They warn a Yes vote would require more austerity and harsher cuts than those planned by the Westminster government – a threat that would see the poor bear the brunt. In a joint letter issued to the Daily Record, the economists say: “Our main contention is that Scotland is unlikely to be richer and fairer if there is a Yes vote in the referendum. “The irony is that within the Union, Scotland has a higher level of income per person than the UK.” The academics add: “When we add up these 13 reasons not to vote for independence, we are extremely concerned that to do otherwise would be to gamble with the economic prospects of the present generation. “As experienced and respected economists, we would urge you to vote No on September 18.” Get all the latest independence referendum news right here. GETTYIndependence referendum The warning came after a leading think-tank claimed Alex Salmond has severely underestimated the economic risks of independence. The right-wing Centre for Policy Studies said a breakaway Scotland would face three major risks – oil, finance and pensions. Their report claimed the North Sea revenue for Scotland would continue to fall from £10.1billion in 2011-12, to only £5.5billion in 2013-14 and to £3.7billion in 2016-17. The final figure is £3.2billion less than the £6.9billion predicted by the Yes campaign. The study also said that transferring a large proportion of the nation’s finance sector would leave revenues, excluding North Sea oil, of £47.7billion in 2016-17 – about £9.2billion lower than the £57.3billion forecast by nationalists. The announcements by RBS, Lloyds, Clydesdale and Standard Life last week that they may move some of their operations to England if there is a vote for independence has shown this outcome is “probable”, the report added. CPS, which were co-founded by Margaret Thatcher, said the impact is estimated at £1.1billion in 2015-16. Queen urges Scots to think carefully. The bleak picture came after left-wing economist and Nobel Prize-winner Paul Krugman warned that Scotland would face “huge risks” going it alone. Krugman said: “An independent Scotland using Britain’s pound would be in even worse shape than euro countries, which at least have some say in how the European Central Bank is run.” However, another Nobel Prize-winning economist has insisted there are few grounds for “fear-mongering” over the economy of an independent Scotland. Joseph Stiglitz said it would be more risky for Scotland to stay in the UK. He accused the No camp of using scare tactics and he said the main unionsist parties were bluffing over their refusal to consider a currency union. Stiglitz added: “There is, in fact, little basis for any of the forms of fear-mongering that have been advanced.” VIEW GALLERY 13 REASONS TO BE FEARFUL 1 - The Scottish Government’s currency plans are unclear at best and fundamentally flawed at worst. They all seem to involve a form of fixed exchange rate which would not facilitate the necessary adjustments needed to address an independent Scotland’s competitiveness. Such plans are, therefore, doomed to failure. Plan B to use sterling informally would be disastrous because Scottish-based bank deposits would lose the protection provided by the Bank of England and the UK Government in the event of a run on our banks. 2 - As the Governor of the Bank of England has recently stated, the sterlingisation option would require Scotland to accumulate substantial currency reserves. This would involve government spending cuts or tax increases equivalent, at the very least, to £4000 per head of the Scottish population. 3 - In the event of Plans A and B not happening, an independent Scotland would have to create its own currency. This would be introduced at a time when the economy would most likely have suffered from capital flight. As the Deutsche Bank and other banks have recently said, the subsequent economic recession wouldlead to the possibility of an economic depression for many years to come. Jeff J Mitchell/Getty ImagesThe debate over the currency in an independent Scotland has been a hot topic. 4 - The creation of an economic (and possibly physical) border between Scotland and the rest of the UK would be damaging for trade and jobs and, by diminishing the productivity of Scottish firms, would lower living standards in this country. 5 - On current trends,the Scottish Government would have to impose an even greater fiscal austerity than has been implemented by the Coalition Government in Westminster. This would be further exacerbated by the inherited debt of around £120billion. 6 - It is also likely, in the event of an independent Scotland reneging on accepting an appropriate share of the UK’s existing debt, that its credit rating would plummet and borrowing from international credit markets would become difficult and costly, if indeed we could borrow at all. As a result, we may have to borrow from the IMF, which would mean even more austerity for our people. Such austerity is likely to impact most heavily on the less well-off in our country. 7 - The set-up costs for Scotland becoming independent, which on some estimates have been put at £2.5billion, would mean resources would have to be shifted from other hard- pressed areas of public spending such as health and education in the short and long term. 8 - Scotland’s public finances would be more exposed to oil price volatility and the secular decline of oil revenues, with little or no prospect for an oil stabilisation fund. 9 - Interest rates could well rise on Scottish sovereign debt, local authority borrowing, firm and household debt. Families will be impacted severely by rising credit card rates, car loans rates and mortgage rates. 10 - It is possible, as some supermarkets have announced, that food prices could rise. The introduction of an economic border will increase distribution costs in an independent Scotland, raising prices of food and other consumer goods. 11 - The recent announcement by Scottish financial institutions such as the Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and Standard Life, that in the event of independence they are likely to move their HQs from Scotland to the rest of the UK, will mean job losses and loss of tax revenue to the Scottish economy. This would also damage Scotland’s balance of payments. 12 - Overseas banks such as Credit Suisse have also warned of dire economic consequences and a recession similar to that which followed the collapse of Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of Scotland. 13 - Demographic trends, notably the ageing population, suggest that spending on those of pensionable age would present a significant challenge for an independent Scotland. We are Better Together as part of a UK with a combined population of almost 65million people sharing the costs and benefits of a larger pool of tax revenues to fund our pensions, compared to an independent Scotland with a population of almost 5.3million. The economists who put together the letter: Simon Clark Head of Economics department, Edinburgh Universiy Rod Cross Emeritus economics professor, Strathclyde University Roger Sandilands Emeritus economics professor, Strathclyde University David Cobham Professor of economics, Heriot-Watt University Joe Byrne Professor of economics, Heriot-Watt University Rodolphe Desbordes Reader in economics, Strathclyde University Christian Ewald Head of economics dept, Glasgow University Julia Darby Economics professor, Strathclyde University John Struthers Graduate School head, University of West of Scotland Tatiana Kirsanova Macroeconomics professor, Glasgow University Farhad Noorbakhsh Ex-head Adam Smith Business School Ronald MacDonald Adam Smith economics chair, Glasgow University
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:08:29 +0000

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