Sept 05, 2013 9:15 am When it takes all you can to make it - TopicsExpress


Sept 05, 2013 9:15 am When it takes all you can to make it through the day II Corinthians 4:18 –Look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are going to last only a short time; but the things which are not seen are eternal. What do you do when all your dreams are drifting away, when all your hopes fade? When all your friends have turned away, when it takes all you can to make it through the day? When there are no answers and no place to run away you Keep on trusting God! Job 13:15, “Though he slay you, trust Him.” Wow! That is truly one of the most radical quotes in the Bible. So radical that virtually no one speaks of it. So radical that many have tried to soften or alter its meaning. It’s the type of faith to overcome problems when your joy is tested. It’s a faith to accept whatever God allows to come to you. It’s a love for God; a belief and KNOWLEDGE, that God is still being good, just, honest, and fair. For you to take whatever God allows you and use it to press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus! What you need is in II Corinthians 4:18 and in Hebrews 11:1, which is to have Real Faith. It’s a Real Faith in God instead of operating the way you do with humans. When you deal with humans, you need contracts. Because humans can be dishonest, so, you need to protect yourself in case they lie or fail to deliver. With others, trust has to be earned over a long period of time. With others, trust is based on the current condition of your relationship with them. But it does not work that way with God. Because God never fails, He Never lies. He is above all created, and is judged by and answers to no one. You just have to accept whatever God gives you and be happy. Faith is trusting God BEFORE you get what you want. It is trusting God WHILE your bank account is empty. It is trusting God WHILE your marriage is falling apart. It is trusting God WHILE your child is sick. It is trusting God WHILE you have no job and your creditors are harassing you. It is trusting God WHILE all these bad things are happening to you even after things have happened in the past. It is the ability to trust God when there is a lump in your breast AFTER your mother and sister have died of breast cancer, when your middle child is acting up when your oldest son is already in jail. Having faith when things are going good is not faith. Having faith when you can see the way is not faith. Trust comes into play when there is no way out. And submission comes when you are able to say “God is good” no matter what happens. Life here while you’re in the flesh does Not promise you a rose garden. It’s Because of Adam’s fall; your life is going to be a fight almost every single day. So here is what you do. Change Your Attitude. Become a warrior for God like David’s captain Uriah the Hittite, who was so devoted to fighting God’s battle that he refused to even enjoy his wife’s embrace while the war was going on. You have to fall in love with the fight, and desire to win battles for the Lord until God comes for your soul! You have to realize that you are not only still standing despite Satan’s best efforts to knock you down, but you are winning! Not only that, you have already won! You have to exist above and apart from the material world the things of this soon – to – be gone world, and elevate yourself into the eternal! You have to realize that you were not put on this earth to do or experience your pleasure. YOUR PLEASURE IS GOING TO BE IN HEAVEN, AND EVERYTHING YOU DO ON EARTH SHOULD BE A PURSUIT OF GETTING THERE! You were put on earth for GOD’S PLEASURE to do HIS WILL, to fight his battles! So, you must reach the point where your own thoughts, notions, wants, and dreams DIE. You have to completely give yourself over, sell out, to God! You have to get to the point where doing what God wants you to do is the only thing that gives you joy! Where serving the Lord is the only thing that makes you happy! If you are not doing God’s will, you aren’t happy. If people around you aren’t doing God’s will, you will either want to intervene and stop them, or get out of there! When God’s happy, you’re happy, and when God’s displeased, you’re displeased! When you get to that point in your life Obeying God! Doing God’s will all the time, you will have joy all the time! You will have joy because God’s joy will be your joy! The joy of the Lord will be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10 ) The best way to accomplish this is to just keep busy doing things for God. If you sit around doing nothing, you will inevitably enter into temptation. You will sit around thinking about how rotten everything is, how life is unfair how everyone has done you wrong (another lie, because God hasn’t), how there is no hope (again another lie, for you have hope in God through Christ Jesus), no future (another lie), and the (Big Lie) for you to pay everyone back for everything that they did to you and get yours any which way you can! So get off your doldrums and get to doing something for God! The phrase “God helps those who helps themselves” is not only not in the Bible (literally or otherwise), but it is untrue, anti – Christian! You cannot provide for yourself even if you try. Only God can meet your true needs. You have to have faith in God that he alone will meet your every need, and do so better than anyone or anything else can! That is what God wants you to. He doesn’t want you taking care of yourself, running your own life. He wants you to sit back and let him drive.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:15:51 +0000

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