Sept 11 2008 was the day I had my leg snapped in 3 places due to - TopicsExpress


Sept 11 2008 was the day I had my leg snapped in 3 places due to the incompetence of management and staff of Maden Industrial. That wasnt so bad but what was bad is how I was treated by Wsib ,its managers and staff, who lied to me, manipulated me, mislead me and literally tried to starve me and make me homeless all while I was still healing, still using a walker. Wsibs actions were so heinous and shocking to me that I had to start taking blood pressure pills 4 months after the accident and still to this day. The very mention of Wsib raises my blood pressure. I had to go through nuclear medicine for a stress test as I couldnt run on a treadmill along with many other tests all because of Wsib and its employees. They almost killed me with stress and since they did I started looking into their activities and the fate of other permanently injured workers. I found what I suspected. That Wsib was indeed causing suicides, heart attacks and strokes. I thought if I approached the government that they would certainly act on this atrocity but to my disappointment they seem to already know and were culpable in it. I could go on and on in detail , facts , stats, records, obituaries and lots of documentation. Weve met with politicians (NDP), Union heads, lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists and Coroners. Not one of them disagrees that Wsib indeed has and is causing deaths. Still no action against Wsib and the murdering perpetrators within it. I have attacked Wsib as peacefully as possible, prompting reactions from them as they adjust to our accusations . Wsib illegally tried suing me through the board, called the police on me and have done whatever they can to discredit what I say. They failed miserably as you can see, Im still accusing them and attacking them in the media where ever I can. The wheels of justice turn very slowly, too slowly for my taste but it is what it is and before I die I will nail these murderers , liars and thieves of Wsib one way or another. They hijacked my life and ruined it and the lives of every permanently disabled worker they have laid their filthy murdering hands on. I have seen with my own eyes as they literally tried to murder a PTSD sufferer and others. I have seen the scares of workers who had heart attacks while on the phone with a stinking lying adjudicator. I witnessed the pain and tears of children of disabled workers as they try and explain their suffering as they are charged with taking care of their disabled parent. Wsib disgusts me in ways that are often hard to explain. I have seen it all that Wsib has done to sick or disabled workers, it consumes my life now and I wont stop until dead myself or Wsib is destroyed and the perpetrators jailed or dead. There wont be any compromise. I may not have the resources they do but I do have resources that come from the gifts of my creator. I didnt want this fight, I didnt ask for it but I have never ran away from a fight and I have never lost a fight that I didnt start and Wsib started this fight. Many are mainly concerned about benefits, Im not. Im concerned and focused on the deaths Wsib has caused and are causing as I type. Right now somewhere in Ontario there is a disabled worker contemplating suicide. It may be a cop, fireman, construction worker or any worker who is being mentally tortured by these conscienceless, reprobate minded demoniacs at Wsib. People act as if injured workers are some sort of exclusive group that doesnt include them. I know this as I was the same prior to my injury. I heard stories and dismissed them and that was due to the stereotyping of disabled workers by Wsib and the Harris government. 6 year ago today I was thrust into this fight along with others who were already fighting like Kevin Jones who is still today fighting harder than ever, relentlessly protesting these Wsib killers. Our numbers have grown and many new groups have formed and that leads to optimism for all disabled workers. When resources allow we will take the fight to Wsibs front door, back door and all exits. We will attend at their homes and make sure their neighbors know what they do. We will out them publicly and post their pictures and information along side that of their victims when the time is appropriate. We will segregate and take to task each and every last adjudicator that has caused a death. We will flip their Worlds upside down and cause them as much stress as we possibly can. Thats the peaceful way until I see it has no chance of working. Yah bless every last one of you and may he give you all the strength you need to carry on.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:13:02 +0000

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