September 11, 2001: There is no doubt at all that the so-called - TopicsExpress


September 11, 2001: There is no doubt at all that the so-called "terrorist act" of 9/11 was an inside job. How can we be so sure? What follows is information from experienced civilian and military pilots who were invited by Col. Donn de Grand Pré (ret. Air Force) to a meeting to discuss and evaluate the 9/11 attack. Here are excerpts from the colonel’s report (portions not in quote marks belong to de Grand Pré) entitled "The Enemy Is Inside the Gates:"0 The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation . . . requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets. . . . the attack, from a psychological impact on the American public, equaled the Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor 7 Dec 1941. One General officer remarked, "I seriously question whether these novices [the alleged hijackers] could have located a target dead-on 200 miles removed from takeoff point . . . The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets was superb. As one Air force officer – a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam – explained, "Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote control." Another comment: "If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability? I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic flying missiles? A hotly debated question: Who would be in command of such an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)? Chinese? Russians? Saudis? Israelis? NATO? All of these countries possess AWACS-type aircraft. All (except the Saudis) have the capability to utilize electro-magnetic pulsing (EMP) to knock out on-board flight controls and communications of targeted aircraft, and then, to fly them by remote control. Captain Kent Hill (American Airlines) said, " . . . Not one of the planes alerted ground control that they were being hijacked." How come? "The fact is, all the transponders were turned off on the doomed flights virtually at the same time." He [Hill] is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control? " Even if I had a gun at my head, I’d never fly a plane into a building . . . and I’d be searing the h___ out of them (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said. In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane. Another airline pilot stated: "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers end up with broken necks." That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control. As an old and not so bold pilot, I became more convinced that the four commercial jets were choreographed by a "conductor" from a central source, namely an airborne warning and control system (AWACS). They have the electronic capability to engage several aircraft simultaneously, knock out their on-board flight controls by EMP (electro-magnetic pulsing) and assume command and remote control of these targeted aircraft. As we consider all the options – and enemies . . . China, Russia, Israel, an Islamic country, or NATO), we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates. If so, then we are dealing with high treason. The above report provides overwhelming evidence that remote-controlled planes hit the Twin Towers.7 Both imploded in 8 to 10 seconds – an inescapable signature of a professionally engineered implosion from previously implanted explosives at key structural points. Rescue workers on the scene were eye witnesses (rather, "ear’ witnesses) of such explosions. Certainly, the low temperature diesel-fuel fires (smoke = insufficient oxygen, thus low temperature) were many degrees too cool to damage the structural support of the buildings, which were designed to withstand such collisions! Further evidence of a planned implosion is the collapse of Building #7 at the Trade Center, which was not hit by a plane, when the owner said, "Pull it!" Building #7 fell in the very same manner as the Twin Towers. What about the Pentagon? Early photos immediately after the crash of the supposed "airliner" show a horizontal hole about 15 feet wide, much too narrow if it were actually hit by a large airliner with a wide wingspan and heavy engines. Also, the sharp turn this "air vehicle"reportedly made would have generated too much centrifugal force for a live pilot to remain conscious and in control of the plane. The answer? A Global Hawk-controlled aircraft also hit the Pentagon!8 Remember American history: It is now proven that President Franklin D. Roosevelt intentionally sacrificed almost 3,000 U.S. servicemen as bait to entice Japan to attack Pearl Harbor with the goal of convincing a reluctant American public to enter World War II.0 President Lyndon Johnson also lied to the American public about the alleged "Tonkin Bay Incident." He falsely claimed that North Vietnam had attacked two U.S. destroyers on August 2, 1964. Result: Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution on August 7, which got our country more deeply involved in the Vietnam War in which 58,000 Americans died.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:14:30 +0000

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