September 11, 2014 Hi Friends and Family, I am writing to you - TopicsExpress


September 11, 2014 Hi Friends and Family, I am writing to you asking for your help. My friend Pat Gelisse needs a Heart Transplant. Many of you know her and some of you don’t. I have included her story on the next page so that you will understand her situation. Karen Mays, a true angel, started GoFundMe for Pat and $7000.00 has been raised so far and this is wonderful but just a drop in the bucket as to what she will need. Upfront she has to give Emory $5000.00 before they will even consider her. The Hospital bills are out of the roof as well as medicine, etc… The gofundme account needs to be for living expenses and bills and medicine. This needs to be totally separate. She would work if she could, but lost her job back in April due to her condition, and like the job, her insurance left. She has a very long road ahead of her and the bureaucratic crap that she is being put through is as far as I am concerned UN-AMERICAN! Additionally the waiting periods required by Social Security and Medicaid and so forth is outrageous. Pat is forced to give up her home as of the 30th of this month and move into a house that needs much work to make it livable. This will be a great help because it is paid for. But the repairs are numerous and overwhelming but she is getting them accomplished as best she can. It has not been lived in for 8 years and was even vandalized, so you can imagine what she is up against. She has been working in this heat all this time. The help that I am asking for is that 50 people send $42.00 to raise $2100.00 for a new air conditioner for the house. This is strictly for the heat pump/ air conditioner and the installation is being donated. Even though Summer will be over soon, she will need heat for the winter. If you will send a check to me I will hold them until we reach the $2100.00 before any are cashed. Anything above that I will send back to you or I can forward any overage to Pat. You can tell me your preference. In the event that we don’t get our goal of $2100.00 to pay for the air conditioner I will send everyone’s check back to them. I will also provide a copy of the receipt to anyone who would like to see it. This is a chance to really help someone. Not a hand out but a hand up. I am asking you to please search your heart and think of this as if it were you or someone that you love that suddenly had their world turned upside down. Please make the check out in my name. I will as I said cash them only when we reach our goal to pay for the Heat Pump/air conditioner. Please give… May God Bless you for helping! Faye Metcalf 770-654-4172 52 Montvale Drive Hoschton, Ga. 30548 On April 10, 2014, I found out I had a serious heart disease by my cardiologist during a routine heart cath. I had had a blockage in one of my arteries the year before but since then all has been well.....until April 10. My doctor found I had what is called a widow maker in my main artery and unless I had a bypass right then, he gave me a week to live. I have always been very active. I have been shag dancing for 30 years. I am 59 and have worked since 17. Now Im breathing with 20% of my capacity. On April 16, 2014, I had a quadruple heart bypass. I was in ICU for 6 days. My lung collapsed and I got pneumonia. The week I came home, I had a heart attack. But the worst part is the doctors cant explain why the bypass didnt work. Ive been in the hospital more than home the past 3 months for one issue after another including having a diffibulator/pacemaker/monitor put in. Needless to say, the hospital bills are way more than I can pay. Before getting sick, I worked for Brookdale Senior Living in Augusta with some of the sweetest seniors ever as the sales and marketing manager. On April 10, 2014, I was put on leave of absence which is without pay. Me being a single lady, its been impossible to live and continue paying my bills with absolutely no income. I applied for ss disability and was denied. From what I understand they assumed I still got paid even though they were told otherwise. I have since reapplied. I do understand it takes 5 months in the state of Ga. WHAT DOES A GIRL DO ABOUT HER BILLs IN THE MEANTIME? I just found out Monday my company is denying me leave of absence this go around due to the fact that my cardiologist when filling out the paperwork didnt fill in the date of my return to work. He doesnt know it since I am now waiting for a heart transplant from Emory Hospital in Atlanta, but I was still denied leave of absence. The end result is, I now have no insurance that I need so desperately. Please help me. Where do I go and what do I do? My cardiologist says if I dont get a new heart, I wont make it and if I dont continue taking my many pills, I wont make it till I get my new heart. I can no longer afford either one. I went from working every day and being active to sitting on the couch waiting for my next doctor appointment. You have no idea how overwhelming this has been! I need your advice and help please. My friends have told me you have helped them in the past. I have a car to pay for and can no longer pay for my place where Im living or my medications or doctor bills. I have no idea where to turn or who to go to. Sincerely, Pat Gelisse
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:14:47 +0000

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