September 11. A day that means a lot to America. On this day, - TopicsExpress


September 11. A day that means a lot to America. On this day, religion combined with hatred caused several people to give up their lives to fly large bombs into two buildings to send a message to the American people. (By bombs I do mean airplanes loaded with lots of fuel). What was the message? Maybe the message was to stop our agenda of spreading democracy and talk of freedom to their people. Maybe our politicians decisions on foreign policy prompted the attack. I dont believe that they simply wanted to kill Americans, but that is a possibility. Either way, it doesnt matter why. Innocent people. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. They all were the scapegoats for a vicious, extremist agenda and died for literally no reason. But where does it end? If we let this attack shape our decision to stop our military efforts abroad, we let terrorism win, telling the world that if you kill our innocents we will listen. But if we continue to do the things we do, we can expect more attacks and less freedoms. Either way, they win. I want to live in a world where killing people is not the default dispute resolution. Where freedom isnt forced onto people and neither is oppression, religion, spirituality, dancing, or any ideal that doesnt belong to everyone. But instead, we live in a world where violence seems to be the answer and killing and stealing and oppressing and it goes on and on all in the name of whats good for the people. I say, Nay. In a world where I cause nobody any real, measurable harm, I shall decide what is good for me. Until such time my decisions affect other people and touch their lives in way that has meaningful impact, positive or negative, wanted or unwanted, I shall live free and unafraid of those that seek to destroy me and my country. I shall also let others do the same. If I violate this, then punish me in accordance with my crime, justly, but surely, as I have violated the most valuable of all human possessions. Freedom. Lets remember the people that died for nothing, their sacrifice greater still by this fact. My heart goes out to their families and I cant imagine their grief today.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:18:31 +0000

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