September 14~ 1972 - At 4:20 a.m. an unidentified bogey was - TopicsExpress


September 14~ 1972 - At 4:20 a.m. an unidentified bogey was detected on radar at the West Palm Beach International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox and tracked for about an hour. NORAD was alerted and at approximately 6:00 a.m. two F-106 jet interceptors were scrambled from West Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept the glowing UFO, but the object disappeared from the radar scopes shortly before the jets arrived. FAA watch supervisor George Morales viewed the object through binoculars and described the object as silver white in color and cigar shaped. Officials at Miami International Airport also tracked the strange object. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1972, pp. 1 & 4; Sandra Thomas, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1972, p. 7). 1972 - Following several civilian reports of UFOs in Crumlin, Monmouthshire, Wales several police constables were sent to the scene at around 8:30 p.m. They saw a circular orange object that changed shape to a cone. In Croespenmaen, Wales a bowl-shaped disc was observed hovering and spinning for two hours. The UFO hid three times when aircraft appeared. (Sources: Western Mail, September 16, 1972; FSR, November-December 1972, p. 28; Gary Heseltine, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 7). 1972 - At 10:45 p.m. two witnesses southeast of Sandoval, Illinois saw a UFO moving toward their car, about 45 feet up in the air. It had green and blue hazy lights and a huge red flickering light on top. It passed directly overhead, then came back and circled the car. Next it hovered nearby for 20 minutes, and finally flew off slowly to the south. (Source: John F. Schuessler case files, report dated July 22, 1973). 1973 - A yellow ovoid-shaped object paced cars near Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil for 20 minutes beginning at around 1:30 a.m. There were several other reports of UFOs in the vicinity on the same night. (Source: Inforespace, August 1975). 1973 - At 7:45 p.m. a 20-year-old woman with the last name of Plume and her father were driving through a mostly swampy area between Cuesnes and Mons, Belgium, when upon rounding a bend in the road they saw a bright orange luminous object shaped like a truncated cone hovering at low altitude about 200 meters off the road, almost directly over an electric power station. The upper edge seemed jagged and had sparkling antenna-like protrusions at either end. The object was dazzling to look at and seemed to be vibrating slightly. As they pulled abreast of the power station the objects luminosity diminished and it flew away, rising gradually in a slight curve and disappeared. (Sources: Dennis William Hauck, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1976, p. 8; Jacques Bonabot, Catalog of Belgian Cases, case 354). 1977 - At around 11:00 p.m. in Cassel, Nord department, France a glowing sphere first descends, then reverses course and follows a car for three minutes. The car windows were pock-marked as a result of the close encounter. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1980). 1978 - At 5:55 a.m. in Rome, Italy a triangular shaped object seen by hundreds for five minutes, including police, guards, and airline workers. (Sources: Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1978, p. 15, citing La Cronica, September 15, 1978; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year History, p. 349). 1978 - At 6:00 a.m. in Torre del Lago, near Firenze, Italy a cigar-shaped object with a blue trail of light behind it gave off intense light beams. The crafts lights went off-and-on two or three times during the sighting, which lasted five minutes. (Sources:Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1978, p. 15, citing La Cronica, September 15, 1978; Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, October 1979, p. 15). 1978 - At 10:00 p.m. in San Basilio, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant light in the night sky resolved to a huge metallic gray ovoid. It hovered for a couple of minutes, then vanished. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, August 1981). 1978 - The owner of a large firm and prominent business executive was driving on I-80 to Randolph, Nebraska and had reached a point two miles west of Belden at around 10:00 p.m. when an object descended on the highway ahead of him, directing a light beam on the road surface. It looked like a tank with treads but without guns. As the witness stepped out of the car, a door opened on the object and a man stepped out. He seemed normal, was dark haired, of normal height and wore white pants and a white shirt. He spoke to the witness by name, in perfect English, then re-entered the object, which rose up in a brilliant column of light emitting a high pitched whine as it left. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, December 1978, p. 1; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A1964; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, case # 317, citing Robert E. Bartholomew, UFO Lore, quoting APRO Bulletin). 1979 - At 6:30 a.m. a boat crew off the coast of Siniscola, Sardegna, Italy watched a sphere with luminous rays as it hovered for ten minutes over the ocean, then shot away fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 200, December 1980). 1979 - On this night a beam of light shone through the witnesss bedroom window in Oakenholt, Wales and she suddenly felt dizzy. She then felt herself being levitated through some form of a tunnel and encountered two aliens in a field. A huge craft hovered nearby and a beam of light lifted her inside. The interior of the craft consisted of one large room with three other alien beings and an almost human appearing girl of about 19 years of age. The room contained a portrait of an older being, apparently a leader. After a 30 minute otherworldly trip the beings showed her an alien zoo with many bizarre animals. The beings communicated with the witness and then said goodbye, whereupon she then found herself back in her bed again. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1979, case # 2234, citing Jenny Randles & Paul Whetnall). 1979 - Two women in Canoga Park, California witnessed a disc-shaped object with flamelike jets around the perimeter hovering ahead of their car at 7:55 p.m. It tilted, darted from point to point, and then took off at very high speed. (Sources: Ann Drufel, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1981, p. 13; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 24).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:32:47 +0000

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