September 19, 2013 Minutes Members present: Raymond Banda, - TopicsExpress


September 19, 2013 Minutes Members present: Raymond Banda, President Amanda Bird, Vice President Ariana Makini, Treasurer Isaiah Keamo, Secretary Noah Keamo, Senator Jenna Lo, Senator Raezheen Pascua, Senator Michael Bayrd, Senator Michael Connolly, Senator Joei Gomez, Senator Advisor: Lexer Chou Excused absence: none Meeting is called to order at 3:22p.m. I. Announcements A. Student: Marie a. Student from Leadership class • Service/Leadership Project b. Wants to know what kind of community service we are in • Wants to help with community service • Perhaps do a haunted house for kids c. Asking if she can help out d. Perhaps become an intern? e. Raymond invited her cause she could probably help with organizing SG community service B. Ice Breaker- Raezheen C. Remember keep side conversations to a minimum. a. Stay on task b. Stay focused D. Handling things on lower level a. Students who are a distraction in the office • Raymond will talk with student E. Please make sure to schedule your meeting with Lexer II. Approval of Minutes from September 12, 2013 Raezheen motions to approve the minutes with corrections Noah seconds Unanimous decision Motion carries III. Unfinished Business A. ACUI Funding Approval Per diem a. Food: • They’ll cover Monday night • The only day we have to cover is Tuesday morning b. Parking is $27 per day at the hotel c. Per Diem cap is $93 Michael motions to approve $320 for Per diem for 8 people at $40 per day Ari seconds Unanimous decision Motion carries B. Community Service Initial next to the service you can attend C. “Out to Lunch” Program a. Amanda sent out a sample survey • Rae made a change to it • Survey results need to get back by Nov. • Amanda will add a blurb to the survey explaining what this program is b. Dr. Manaseri and Student services would be in charge of this program if students do want it c. We’ll also survey the Waianae students • We’ll handout surveys during tabling (utilize iPads and laptops) d. Are we going to send out 2 surveys? Or are we going them out separately? • We’ll send them out separately • “Out to Lunch” survey will be month of October D. E-Cigs a. We have to vote on if we want to add E-Cigs on ban, and will only be able to smoke in DSA Mike motions to include the e-cigs in the DSA smoking policy Noah seconds 9-for 1-against Motion carries b. DSA will be implemented next semester c. Lexer will have to ask lounge monitors if they’re comfortable E. Computer a. Are we going to purchase a new computer? b. Perhaps we can purchase either an iPad or another laptop c. If we do want to keep this laptop out on the desk, we’ll purchase a laptop lock (possibly 2) d. We’ll ask IT to research things on Surface Pro and laptops F. Tabling IV. New Business A. Surveys a. Already covered B. Discovery Fair- November 2nd a. Welcome community to campus b. No particular theme c. Showcasing programs d. Melina and Momi are scheduling the entertainment • Need volunteers for help C. Job Fair- October 1st a. Sign-up for their fair b. Event is 9a.m.- noon D. Goals Update- tabled for next week E. Email Responses a. Remember to hit “Reply All” when you need to b. Be prompt with emails V. Committees 1. Academic Grievance 2. BOSC 3. Campus Council 4. Caucus 5. Commencement 6. Curriculum a. Class outline modifications b. Fast Track • Teachers approve classes through Fast Track c. Are getting rid of Certificate of Completion and changing it to Certificate of Competence d. Automotive classes • Change prerequisite from Math 50C to Math 100 • Changing prerequisite from ENG 25 to ENG 100 e. First Year Experience class- IS 100 • For new students, to help them ease into college • Debating if it should be 1, 3, or no credit 7. DVAC 8. Space Committee 9. Faculty Senate 10. IT Standing 11. Ka Mole 12. Library Advisory Board 13. Marketing 14. Student Success 15. Sustainability 16. Student Conduct Code 17. UHCC Strat Plan 18. Unsatisfactory Academic Progress VI. Exec. Board Reports 1. Isaiah- none 2. Ariana a. Brainstorm ideas about collaboration with Leeward CC Wai’anae 3. Amanda a. Called Panda Express for caucus • October 26th • Need help with setup at 7:00a.m. 4. Raymond a. Talk to district rep. about roads • Said they would forward info to city council on roads b. Meeting with Chancellor Apple about yellow ribbon program c. Meeting with Secretary from VA VII. Weekly Reports 1. Jenna • Emails 2. Raezheen • Emails • Talked with Ari 3. Michael • Emails inquiring about fitness path from students 4. Mike a. Prepping for B&F b. Smart Carte company would be willing to install lockers for us. Still need to look into this c. Student concern: • “B-boy Jam”: will send to SAB 5. Joei • Emails 6. Noah a. Student concern: “Student was going to research grants for Recycle bins” b. Sent blurb to Lexer about parking in front 7. Lexer a. Our office needs to be closed on Monday and Tuesday because our office will be painted • We need to move stuff away from the wall b. Photos will be on our shared drive c. We need to talk about a time for students allotted for our meeting Meeting adjourned at 5:16p.m.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 03:53:34 +0000

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