September 2, 2013 Tuesday Woke up this morning at about 4:40am - TopicsExpress


September 2, 2013 Tuesday Woke up this morning at about 4:40am the same way I did yesterday morning ...laughing! In my dream...but I think it was a night vision...because it was so real, so tangible...not at all like a dream. In this vision I was standing in the middle of thousands, and thousands of people. I was on a stage or platform and I was extolling the glory of my GOD, Almighty GOD and His King, My Savior...JESUS. With great JOY I told the people there... HE is LOVE. HE is LIGHT. HE is my GOD. HE is your GOD. HE is your Creator. HE made you in His image. He made you for relationship with HIMSELF. HE made you to walk in fellowship with HIM, communion with HIM. We, mankind...we are HIS own. We are HIS children. He loves us with an everlasting unending incomprehensible love. HE is LOVE and it will take us an eternity and more to even start to comprehend what that means. If you believe on HIS Son, JESUS the JOY of that knowing awaits you. The JOY of meeting HIM face to face, of gazing on HIS glory...looking into the beauty of HIS face...that JOY will be yours. It is not a fairy tale or a dream or pie in the sky someone made up. This is the reality of who GOD is. HE is so good, HE is LOVE and HE loves all of us. We are HIS children. HE will not fail us. HE will NEVER leave us or forsake us. HE is faithful. HE is LIGHT and in HIM is no shadow of turning. HE is LIGHT and in HIM is No darkness at all! With what love and kindness does HE draw all to HIMSELF. HE loves us with an everlasting love, an unconditional love. You do not have to perfect yourself to come to HIM, to call on HIS name. Call on HIs name and become HIS and then HE will start to change you, to make you like HIMSELF. To fashion you and change you...into LOVE. With what gentleness and caring does HE shape you and mold you to be like HIM. HE gathers you close to HIS side. HE holds you in the palm of HIS hand, HE hides you under HIS wing. HE rejoices over you with singing. The GOD of the universes, known and unknown...adores you. HE adores you...HIS own...HIS children. HE sings over you. How unimaginable! Why? Why would HE? Because you are HIS own. Made by HIM...for HIMSELF. Of all the thousands upon thousands or billions upon billions of things GOD has created, we, humankind are the only thing made in HIS image. Made for relationship with HIMSELF. We are HIS own... Such overwhelming the vision as I spoke these words I became more and more weightless as I spoke of GOD’s love for us. I started to dance before the LORD and weep with exultation at the knowledge of how awesome, how wonderful my GOD, my KING truly IS. I started singing in the most beautiful voice. And this angelic voice sang of HIS unending love...of HIS POWER, HIS GLORY, HIS MAJESTY, HIS SOVEREIGNTY until I was singing only the words...HOLY...HOLY...HOLY ONE... HOLY...HOLY...HOLY ONE...HOLY...HOLY...HOLY ONE... GLORY...GLORY...GLORY to HIS NAME. GLORY...GLORY...GLORY to HIS NAME. From everlasting to everlasting HE reigns...HE alone REIGNS and HIS kingdom will have no end! In this vision, I started spinning. Turning in circles, like a ballerina, my arms held out like a ballerina...gracefully and effortlessly turning...around and around. I turned faster and faster, until I was a blur of light...I was on fire and consumed with the love I felt for my SAVIOR...JESUS. and I woke up in my bed...laughing and crying for JOY. Yes...I guess you could say I’m happy. But it will be as nothing compared to when I meet HIM face to when I KNOW HIM. Can’t wait. I can not wait. But I have to and in that short amount of time that is left to me, I want to do anything, everything I can do to tell everyone, all GOD’s children about HIS love for them. Such love, such overwhelming love that HE gave HIS only Son, JESUS to die in their place so that a way would be made unto HIMSELF. JESUS is the WAY, the only way to GOD the Father. DO you know HIM? Do you know our KING, JESUS. If you don’t...will you call on HIS name today? Call out to JESUS. Cry out HIS name, speak to HIM from your heart...with your heart and say, “JESUS, is this woman Becky Denise right? Are you the SON of GOD ALMIGHTY? Are you the way to HIM? Does HE love me? Do you love me? Will you save me from my sins...please? With these words, spoken with your mouth or only with your heart, in your mind...HE, JESUS will come to you like a rushing mighty wind or a still small voice and say, “Yes. Yes to all your questions. Yes, I AM the answer. I AM what you have been searching for all your life. I AM LOVE...I AM yours and you are mine.” And JESUS HIMSELF will usher you into GOD”s throne room. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise HIS name! HE is JESUS. KING and SAVIOR of the World! If you have any questions about JESUS your Savior as you read my post, please know I would love to speak with you about HIM. Contact me here in a message on facebook or send me an email. I haven’t checked email in about 3 weeks, too busy. But I will check it from now on, every day in case one of you has a question about JESUS. I’m not a theologian, but I can share with you my love for JESUS and I think, answer any of your questions about the Saving Grace of Christ JESUS. HIS favor and blessings to all of you. Note: Hey! I’ve done a painting of I AM. I finished it about a month ago. I did it for two dear, sweet friends of mine, Roger and Vi. I am going to borrow it from them and get limited edition prints of it made for sale. I hope to sell it on-line and in Christian book and gift stores. When I get a chance I’ll put it on facebook. My Mom has asked to see it and a few other people. I’m so happy that in the last two years I’ve been able to paint full time and express the beauty I see and feel around me in paint, and on canvas.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 12:45:02 +0000

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