September 2, 2014 Here we go, Tuesday, September 2nd. Back to - TopicsExpress


September 2, 2014 Here we go, Tuesday, September 2nd. Back to school and back to work after the Labor Day weekend. We had a little rain shower yesterday, about .04 inches, not much but it was something to start the month with. We did not do very much at all yesterday, a nice lazy day for us, I hope you had a good day as well. Sometimes I just like to sit and think about the things that are going on around us and even compare them to the way some things were in the past. I think that some things have improved, communications, transportation for instance but then there are many things that have not moved forward at all, in fact in my mind, have digressed a great deal. What am I talking about? I’m sure you have your ideas what that might be but I’m going to talk about what I am seeing. You’ve all heard that there has always been poverty and there will always be poverty, I can except that because the way our society treats it today, why work when the government is going to take things from those who do work hard and give it to those who will not work. This is a mindset that has covered this country for a long time but during the last 50 or 60 years have gotten much worse. That is part of my topic today but not all of it, the ones I want to talk about are those that can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other. You know some of these people, we all do, some are even within our family, we love them but it gets old and you get very frustrated about the situation. For this message let’s just call it what it is, begging. Let’s go back to Biblical times, not only in the Holy Lands but what we can find throughout the rest of the world as well. Begging has been a thing for many more years than has been recorded, I think we all know that but there is a difference between poverty and begging. Poverty is when you can’t seem to get ahead although you try. Maybe because of lack of good education or the job market is just there at the time and you just can’t do any better at that time. Then there is begging, a big difference from Biblical times and today. Back in the day, as they say, those that were beggars were those with some sort of infirmities and could not work at all. There were no social services to help them and they had to beg to live. There were those that did depend on their families. Now, there has always been those that were just too lazy to work or drunkards and just could not hold down a job. Today, begging has taken a bit of a turn, there are still those that have some sort of infirmity and depend on the social services along with family but few of these are beggars, the begging comes when they are just plain lazy in one way or another. It does not make any difference on the education or job market, begging is just a way of life for them. You try and give them advice on how they can get out of the situation they find themselves but they only want what you can give them, they have no intention on helping themselves. Jesus has told us to share with others, and we all should do just that but He does not ask any of us to take from others to give out like our government is doing today. I believe that God wants us to all get out and work hard for what we have. Back many years ago, if you did not work, you did not eat, today we all eat in this country while in other parts of the world they can’t eat even if they work very hard. Those are the ones that Jesus was talking about us sharing with, not the ones who are just lazy and will not work. When you run across someone that is working hard and is just struggling to keep their head above water you don’t mind helping them all you can, you can see they will get out of this and someday help someone else just like you are helping them. But then if someone comes to you asking for help and you help only to have them come back to you over and over asking for the very same help, pretty soon you just have to close the door on them. You have given to them and also given them sound advice but they just don’t proceed with whatever you share with them. I believe that you have to help yourself to go forward. You say you pray about your situation but nothing happens, you continue to pray. God has heard your prayers and even sent you help but if it is not just what you want then He did not answer you. Open your eyes and look around you, there has always been help right there but you just want the cash help and not the advice. Then when those that have been helping you get tired of helping you get mad and go about bad mouthing them to other people, I feel so sorry for you for you are going to need some real help down the road and there will be no one there, you have run them all off. I will tell you this, there is help for you, go talk with your pastor, if you don’t have a church, go and ask a pastor to meet with you. Many of the churches today offer all sorts of counselling opportunities that you might need. You can’t say you will be embarrassed or that they might talk about you, well, they are not going to talk about you, they are going to help you but you first must come to them just like you must come to Christ to be saved, He does not come to you, yes, His hand is always reaching for you but you must take His hand first. God wants us all to be saved, churches want us all to turn to God, they will help you if they can but you will never know until you seek them out. I pray that you have a wonderful day and that you can share your love of God with others around you. God Bless you all fbcjonesboro
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:11:23 +0000

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