September 20, 2014, is Puppy Mill Awareness Day. Do you know - TopicsExpress


September 20, 2014, is Puppy Mill Awareness Day. Do you know where your puppy came from? Possibly a puppy mill. When you purchase a puppy from a pet store, backyard breeder or the Internet you are supporting puppy mills and contributing to the neglect, squalor and suffering of countless dogs who are forced to endure a lifetime of misery in small, confined wire cages. Puppy mills are inhumane breeding facilities that produce puppies in large numbers. They are designed to maximize profits and disregard the physical, social and emotional health of the dogs. The breeding dogs at puppy mills live their entire lives in cramped, dirty cages and the poor conditions cause puppies to have physical and behavioral problems. Please consider adopting from a shelter or rescue ~ 25% of dogs at shelters are purebred and there are rescues for nearly every breed of dog. And, of course, there are always puppies. Dont contribute to the problem ~ be a part of the solution. The following is from The Puppy Mill Project: The Truth About Puppy Mills Puppy mills are cruel, inhumane breeding facilities whose sole focus is profit. There is little or no concern for the health and well being of the animals. Puppies are born with severe health, behavioral and socialization issues. Breeding dogs are neglected, starved and left sick and injured without medical care or relief from overwhelming pain. Commercial breeders are licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Of the reported 3,300 commercially-licensed USDA breeding facilities, the large majority operate with numerous egregious violations that go unmonitored, leading to suffering and ultimately death of the dogs. The unknown truth is that the USDA is overwhelmed with the burdening task of tracking unlicensed large-scale breeders who use the Internet and newspaper advertisements to entice unknowing individuals to buy their dogs. Licensed or not, it is still a puppy mill and the conditions in which the dogs are forced to live is inhumane and unregulated. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, which falls under the jurisdiction of the USDA, cannot effectively monitor and track the atrocities of these facilities. Know the Truth It is estimated that more than 2.5 million puppies are born in puppy mills each year in this country. The breeding dogs in puppy mills are neglected and denied vet care. They suffer with painful untreated injuries and illnesses, they suffer broken jaws and rotted teeth making it impossible to even keep their tongues in their mouths let alone eat. Dogs are forced to live in overcrowded small cages or enclosures, with wire bottoms, never having a solid surface to rest on. They never feel the soft tickle of grass on their toes. Female “breeding” dogs in puppy mills are bred as frequently as possible and the puppies are taken away from their mothers prematurely, resulting in the proliferation of disease, genetic defects and lack of socialization. It is estimated that more than 2.5 million puppy mill puppies are sold each year in the United States. Documented puppy mill conditions include over-breeding, inbreeding, minimal veterinary care, poor food and shelter, crowded cages and lack of socialization. Dogs kept for breeding in puppy mills suffer for years in continual confinement. They are bred as often as possible and then destroyed or discarded once they can no longer produce puppies. Pet stores and online sellers often use attractive websites to hide the truth and to dupe consumers into thinking that they are dealing with a small, reputable breeder. Puppy mills contribute to the pet overpopulation problem.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:50:53 +0000

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