September 25, 2014. Today the Dow Jones fell 263 points. While I - TopicsExpress


September 25, 2014. Today the Dow Jones fell 263 points. While I immigrated to Canada in 1966 and became a Canadian citizen in 1973 I still watch the U.S. stock market and note where it is going. Why do I do this? Do I have many stocks that I need to check on? Actually, no. I have no stocks. I have never had a stock. Not a single one. But I have learned over the course of many troubled and turbulent years that the Dow Jones can indicate important happenings. Most of which are frequently bad news for the poorer parts of the world, but it’s best to know, right? And today I feel kinda good about the drop in US stocks as well as European stocks because it may mean that the American war machine has hit a brick wall. Let me explain. Since 9/11 the US war machine haven’t bothered to be covert in their intrusions into other countries. The “war on terror” gives them the US the right (they believe) to overtly invade countries they to want to conquer for whatever reason using the method of “shock and awe”. The war hawks, neocons, and fundamentalist evangelists in the US government have all obeyed their blood and money lust to first bomb and then put “boots on the ground” in countries that interest them for exploitation. But that old rule “it takes money to make money” still holds true and these invasions with “boots on the ground” requires huge amounts of money. Money that can be siphoned out of American social programs. Selling more government bonds is good, too, especially to China. In the US war machine type of invasion there will be tens of thousands of army personnel to be housed, clothed, fed and entertained when they aren’t killing and terrorizing an invaded people and getting killed and maimed themselves. And later, after things are bombed to smithereens there will be the monstrous American reconstruction contracts. Huge contracts, amounting to billions. The global banking systems are jolly happy along with the biggest domestic banks. Everybody is happy except the vanquished people, of course, and the stock market? It becomes delirious with joy. As the neocons have looked round the world, always in company with the western style religious fanatics waiting for the “rapture”, they thought they could count on several more countries to be ripe for a take down. After Iraq and Afghanistan, the war hawks were lusting after Syria and then, Iran. At this point they would not only loot and devastate these countries but would encircle Russia, who was troublesome, and they would have NATO bases right next to China. China, who in their estimation, needed to be shown who’s boss. But their first task was to demonize Bashar al-Assad, the secular leader of Syria, by using radical Islamists who are euphemistically called “moderate protesters” by the US and whom Saudi Arabia, ( American favorite ally next to Israel) will be training thousands more. It’s a win win. The Saudis will train more radical Islamists to go fight the US in Iraq and Syria. The banks, both international and domestic, loved this plan. They could see the handwriting on the wall. Unending war. Syria would go the way of Iraq and Afghanistan, (and Libya) and then there would be Iran. The stock market rallied in glee. Piles of money to be made in these kinds of wars. And it would keep the ignorant masses of people at home happy, too, because there would be a few more jobs generated that were not at the moment, being automated. But two events side swiped the plan. There was the US decision to push the whole of the Ukraine into the US orbit with eventual NATO bases surrounding Russia. This didn’t sit well with Russia. Or the Ukrainians who identified with Russia. Instead of standing down, Russia stood up. China didn’t say much. She just sat behind Russia like a huge, dangerous, enigmatic spider. Not like the proverbial dragon in Chinese song and dance. Dragons are showy, they make a big fuss. China, the country, the leadership, is quiet, like the spider, and patient. But the US got the message. Like the Chinese going on joint naval exercises with Iran last week. But what is a war mongering nation going to do if it can’t war monger? If China is not only going to protect Russia, but also Iran? Well, there are still those blood thirsty ISIL men. The US can’t very well let them capture oil fields in Iraq, can they? And then allow them to go back and forth over the border into Syria? But Russia and China would get stirred up if the U.S started bombing Syria even if the main target now was the ISIL. Fortunately, Syria wants the ISIL bombed, too. They are really tired of doing it all themselves. So my goodness, that means that Americans will actually have to talk to Bashar al Assad whom they have demonized for years now and accused of unspeakable things with no proof to back them up. Oh, how humiliating for Obama. Still it has to be done. The US will actually have to work with Assad in order to expel ISIL. And that is exactly what they are doing right now, altho they try to pretend they aren’t, which has made the stock market want to commit suicide. There are no huge amounts of money to be made in just bombing. It takes US and UN boots on the ground to make real money. Of course the war hawks in the U.S. and England are still pushing for the “boots” but it won’t happen. China, Russia, and Iran won’t stand for it. The US war machine has hit a brick wall. And this, in my opinion, is why the US stock market is falling. Let’s all be thankful.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 04:51:39 +0000

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