September 26,2013 From Rev.Dr.John Rangba - TopicsExpress


September 26,2013 From Rev.Dr.John Rangba Mara President GLOBAL PEACE GPLO Takmoilung Headquarters Manipur North East INDIA VISION 2 “A VISION OF PEACE CAMPAIGNS AROUND THE WORLD” To, The Rulers, the Authorities and the Leaders of this Civilized World around the world such as the Secretary General of the UN, the Presidents, the Kings, the Prime Ministers, the Governors, the Ministers, the Chief Ministers, the Ambassadors, the Judges, the Secretaries and Others. Sirs/Madams, “PEACE ON EARTH” “WHOSOEVER serves the people as a Leader ,Authority and Leader must ‘FEAR’ God ‘FIRST’ and acknowledge HIM that HE rules and controls the entire World from the ABOVE always.He/She is accountable to God for any PUNISHMENT such as Restless, Troublesome, Dissatisfaction, Disorder, Hatred, Helplessness, Difficulty, Fear, Disasters, Sickness, War, Death etc if he goes against the ‘WILL’ of God at this END TIME of HIS coming said the Lord.” “We do NOT fight against ‘Flesh and Blood ‘but against the Rulers, against the Authorities, against the Cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the Spiritual forces of Evil in the heavenly World” (Ephesians 6:12). Praise The Lord! Whosoever, whatsoever and wheresoever’s serves the people as a Leader whether in a Country or in the World such as the Secretary General of the UN, the Presidents, the Kings, the Prime Ministers, the Governors, the Ministers, the Chief Ministers, the Ambassadors, the Judges,Secretaries and Others’ MUST’ humble himself before God ‘FIRST’ and acknowledge HIM that HE rules and controls the entire world from the ABOVE always, if he/she does not have LOVE (the sinless Love) he is ‘NOTHING’, this does him us NO use. All CHRISTIANS including all PEACE Lovers of non-Christian of the world must stand together in UNITY and ONENESS for ‘PEACE, JUSTICE, PROSPERITY and HOLINESS with LOVE (the Sinless Love) around the world without discrimination on the ground of Colors, Denominations, Languages, Nations and Status because CHRIST has NOT been divided into GROUPS. There is NO peace on the Earth because of man’s sin. Worldly peacemakers try to make arrangements with evil men like the whitewashed the wall. But the True Spiritual Peacemakers try to remove the ‘INJUSTICE, the PAIN, the SIN that is in the world. They help men find Peace with ‘JESUS CHRIST’ who is Prince of PEACE for the world. This is TRUE Peace. JESUS makes Peace between Man and God, between Nation to Nation,between Religion to Religion between Denomination to Denomination, between Man to Man.He has broken down the BARRIER,the DIVING wall of HOSTILITY and DISCRIMINATION on the ground of Colors, Denominations, Superiority and Inferiority complex, Great and Small Rich and Small. This is TRUE Peace. Make every effort to live in peace with everyone in the concept of ‘WE ALL ARE ONE and A FAMILY’ and the Bigger family members of three brothers of MARA-PA,the Brown, KALA-PA,the Black and KAM-PA,the White of a father BUNGSA (Noah) in the beginning. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! If anyone says,’ I love God and hate his brothers, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brothers whom he has seen cannot love God who he has not seen. Whosoever loves God must also his brothers (the Brown, the Black and the White). Love one another before we go to worship God wherever and whatever we are. It may not be possible to live in Peace with everyone because of our faith in Christ Jesus. ‘To err is Human; to forgive is Divine. ‘But the Mistake or Wrong should not be repeated again. I am NOT perfect; you are NOT perfect: We all are NOT perfect. Everyone has his own weaknesses and shortcomings. We must overcome them together with good and understanding by helping one another. We must accept and submit to one another and we must learn from one another just as Iron sharpens Iron. It is not wise for the civilized mankind to look for a revenge on his rival when he makes a mistake or wrong. WITH A BIG HEART OF FORGIVENESS TO OTHER IS THE SHORTEST AND THE BEST MEDICINE TO CURE OR SOLVE THE PROBLEM. But we must teach, instruct and counsel one another in a positive and peaceful manner as a family member or friend with Love not as an enemy when someone make a MISTAKE/WRONG.”JESUS TEACHES US SUCH CIVILIZATION TODAY.” Love your enemy with good. And if, we supposed to remain at peace with non-believers, “HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE STRIVE TO REMAIN AT PEACE WITH FELLOW BELIEVERS!” Let us do our BEST to preserve the Unity and Oneness which the spirit gives by means of the peace that bind us together to maintain ‘INTERNATIONAL PEACE and SECURITY’ in one’s Life, in the Family, in the society/Church, in the Village/City, in the State/Country and in the GLOBE as a WHOLE.’ Amen. Make every effort to be Holy. Through the Grace given to us by Christ and His Holy Spirit, God is continually making us more and more Holy. But in addition, we ourselves must strive to be holy. We can become holy ONLY by being ‘OBEDIENT’ to God. It is God’s WILL that we should be holy. Without Holiness No one can see God. ‘Blessed are the PURE in Heart, for they shall see God. ‘No God means No Peace, No Justice, No Prosperity, No Holiness,No Love,No Forgiveness and No Hope.’ When we look at ourselves, what do we see? Holiness or Un-holiness. Peace or Strife. Division or Unity. Let us examine ourselves ‘FIRST’ before we examine others. It’s better to be patient than powerful. It’s better to win over control over ourselves than over the whole world. God’s people will judge the world for Justice and Truth. God’s people will rule the world in peace with Justice, Prosperity and Holiness with LOVE (the Sinless Love). THE NATION THAT DO NOT SERVE GOD WILL BE DESTROYED. There is no Freedom without the Law of the Living God. A NATION WITHOUT GOD’S GUIDANCE IS A NATION WITHOUT ORDER. The Power and Greatness of ALL Kingdoms on Earth will be given to the PEOPLE of the LIVING Supreme God. STOP sinning and do what is ‘RIGHT’ and be merciful to the needy and Poor; God will be merciful to you, said the Lord. Many people will be purified. No matter how many an HONEST man falls down will get up again!Those who are wicked will not understand but will go on being wicked;ONLY those who are WISE will understand.The wise leaders will SHINE with all the BRIGHTNESS of the sky.And those who have many people to do what is RIGHT will SHINE like the STARS forever. For the wages of SIN is death and Eternal Hell BUT the Gift of Jesus Christ are ETERNAL LIFE, Sinless LOVE, JUSTICE, PEACE, HOLINESS, HOPE and PROSPERITY. Trust in the Lord always and remember HIM in everything we do and HE will show us the right way.Let us not be wise in our own EYES,refuse to wrong.Happy are those who REJECT the advice of Evil men,who do not follow the example of SINNER or join those who have no use for GOD.Instead,they find JOY in obeying the LAW of God. A wicked messenger causes trouble,but a FAITHFUL messenger brings PEACE.The words of RIGHTEOUS are a fountain of LIFE,but the words of a wicked conceals VIOLENCE.WHOSOEVER holds back the Truth causes trouble,but one who OPENLY corrects WORKS for PEACE. “BE LOYAL AND FAITHFUL AND GOD WILL FORGIVE YOUR SIN. FEAR THE LORD AND NOTHING EVIL WILL HAPPEN TO YOU”. A Men God bless each one of us to become a good Leader and an exemplary of a believer to the glory of God. “Let us NOT become TIRED of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as often as we have opportunity (chance),let us do good to ‘EVERYONE’, and especially to THOSE who belong to our fellow believers of the same FAITH” (Galatians 6:9 & 20). Praise the Lord! A WARNING OF GOD TO RULERS, THE AUTHORITIES AND THE LEADERS The Lord Almighty God spoke to His Servant,’ Man of God’ “If you do warn an Evil man and he does not stop sinning, he will die, still a sinner, BUT your life will be spared. If a good man starts doing Evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do NOT warn him. He will die because of his sins-I will NOT remember the good he did-and I will hold you responsible for his DEATH. If you do WARN a good man NOT to sin and he listens to you and does not sin, he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared said the LORD.” His Most Humble Servant Rev.Dr.John Rangba Mara President GLOBAL PEACE GPLO Tamoilung Headquarters Manipur North East INDIA Dear Readers, Please you pass on to the your Leaders, Authorities and Rulers this VISION of PEACE Campaigns Around the World and a Warning of God to the Leaders, the Authorities and the Rulers of the World for the welfare of ALL the MANKIND as a WHOLE and God’s glory.Thanks for your participation in sharing God’s BLESSING.God Bless. Rev.Dr.John Rangba Mara President GLOBAL PEACE GPLO Takmoilung Email
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 07:43:43 +0000

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