September 26 capitolnewyork By Azi Paybarah in Manhattan and - TopicsExpress


September 26 capitolnewyork By Azi Paybarah in Manhattan and Jimmy Vielkind in Albany, with Mike Allen in Washington SUBWAY SAFETY -- ‘The New Normal’ -- Capital’s Dana Rubinstein, Sally Goldenberg and Azi Paybarah: To prove the subways are safe, Governor Andrew Cuomo and M.T.A chairman Tom Pendergrast rode from the World Trade Center to Penn Station. Cuomo: “ Im riding the subway system and so should every New Yorker. … there is no specific credible information about any specific threat to the New York City subway system. Cuomo referred to this heightened state of alert as “the new normal.” -- Mayor Bill De Blasio and police commissioner Bill Bratton rode from the Brooklyn Bridge to Union Square. De Blasio said his administration is “in close contact, close coordination with the federal government” about possible threats. De Blasio has yet to obtain federal security clearance. A spokeswoman for Cuomo said he has top secret clearance from the federal government. SECURITY -- Capital’s Dana Rubinstein: “[Cuomo and de Blasio], however, were reluctant to discuss the biggest issue facing the citys subway system as of last night: the M.T.A.s $32 billion capital plan, which was released on Wednesday, includes all sorts of measures to harden the system against terrorism, and has a gaping 15.2 billion funding gap. ‘I have no worry about the funding,’ the governor said … De Blasio said, ‘Theres been a close security cooperation between NYPD and M.T.A. and we will work together to determine what kind of resources are needed for the future. I havent seen the specifics of that plan but its the kind of thing we work on all the time.’ --“New York officials scramble to reassure city after security threat,” by Reuters’ Ellen Wulfhorst: “New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio each had the same idea - take a subway ride to a busy transit hub to announce that everything was under control.” TABS-- Post: “Jeter goes out a WINNER!” -- New: “2 PERFECT!” -- Metro: “De Blasio: “Subway is safe” -- amNY: “2 PERFECT!” -- Village Voice: “‘I WAS CHOKED BY THE NYPD” FRONT PAGES -- Times, 3-col below the fold: “Mayor’s Fault or Not, Groundhog Had an Early Fall” -- WSJ, 1-col above the fold: “City Slow to Release Park Crime Statistics” TALKER -- Times A1, “Mayor’s Fault or Not, Fatal or Not, Groundhog Had an Early Fall,” by NYT’s Matt Flegenheimer: “A sudden death. A mayor in yellow suede gloves. A fall — or was it two? — that might have proved fatal. And a groundhog named Chuck, until it wasn’t. On Thursday, Mayor Bill de Blasio stood accused of inadvertent rodenticide stemming from an episode in February, when, amid the pageantry of Groundhog Day shadow-viewing, he dropped the star of the early-morning event. According to an article in The New York Post, Charles G. Hogg, known as Chuck to Staten Island Zoo visitors, died one week later of ‘internal injuries’ that were ‘consistent with a fall.’ Also, ‘Chuck’ was in fact a female, named Charlotte. The article alleged a cover-up by the zoo on both fronts.By midmorning, though, the mystery had deepened, as zoo officials and a local Democratic assemblyman presented an alternative timeline that seemed to absolve the mayor.” -- “Zoo in coverup after groundhog dropped by de Blasio dies,” by New York Post’s Tacopino, Campanile and O’Neill: Mayor Bill de Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands! A week after Hizzoner dropped Staten Island Chuck in front of a crowd of spectators on Feb. 2, the winter-weather prognosticator died of internal injuries — and then the coverup began, The Post has learned. … Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public. … Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public — and keep secret the fact that “Chuck” was actually “Charlotte,” a female impostor, sources said Wednesday. ** A message from AT&T: Can smart phones improve traffic safety? We think so. That’s why AT&T teamed up with the NYC Department of Transportation, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, General Assembly, Adafruit and Challenge Post to create the Connected Intersections traffic safety tech innovation challenge. And you can be a part of the solution by helping us choose the winning developer! Check out the competitors and their solutions and vote for the technology you think would best help keep NYC Streets safe:intersections.challengepost/ ** SIENA POLL HAS CUOMO UP BY 29; CAHILL GAINS — Capital’s Jimmy Vielkind: John Cahill is gaining ground in his bid to unseat Democratic Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, but the incumbent Democrat still leads by 16 points with 50 percent of voters saying theyre ready to re-elect him, according to a new poll. The Siena Research Institute found that Cahill, a Pataki administration aide, has more momentum than his partners on the Republicans statewide ticket; in August, Siena showed Schneiderman with a 54-27 lead over Cahill. Governor Andrew Cuomo leads Westchester County executive Rob Astorino 56-27, with seven percent of the 809 likely voters surveyed saying they would support Howie Hawkins on the Green Party line. That result is essentially unchanged from August. -- Read Siena’s cross-tabs: -- The generally conservative Rasmussen Reports finds that the governor’s race is much tighter, with Cuomo at 49 and Astorino at 32. SPEED READ -- “Find a F--king Bike Lane and Get in It, State Senator Yells at Cyclists,” by DNAinfo’s Nicholas Rizzi: “A state senator told her Facebook followers she drives through Staten Island yelling at cyclists to ‘find a f--king bike lane.’ ‘I just scream at them out the window of my car,’ State Sen. Diane Savino wrote about passing cyclists. … Savino was commenting on a Facebook post about a pedestrian killed by a cyclist in Central Park last week. Eben Weiss, who writes the blog, Bike Snob NYC, drew attention to Savinos comments on Twitter and on his site on Thursday. ‘A state senator bragging on Facebook about engaging in acts of road rage is inappropriate, alarming and representative of a disregard for public safety,’ Weiss [said].” --“The President and the Tow Truck Driver,” by The Daily Beast’s Michael Daly: “The New York cops call him the tow truck driver to the presidents. … [Clarence] Baugh is the longtime driver of the tow truck in the ‘sweep team’ that precedes all presidential motorcades through New York, ever ready to remove any and all obstructing vehicles. … ‘He has served every president since the first Bush, and he never met one,” another police commander said. … [Until now.] ‘I said, “The Secret Service called me. I’m going to meet the president,”’ Baugh would recall.” With a Pete Souza picture: REMEMBERING JOHN SLATTERY -- Newsday’s Verne Gay: “John Slattery, the veteran reporter for WCBS/2 and one of the best-known figures on local TV of the last quarter-century, died unexpectedly at his home in Westchester in the overnight hours Wednesday. ... Slattery, who was 63, reported on many of the biggest breaking news stories in New York over the span of his career, including the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. Indeed, during the early hours following the attacks on Sept. 11, Slatterys reports continued largely uninterrupted because Channel 2s transmitter was atop the Empire State Building … Slattery, who won four local Emmy Awards, also covered the emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, the 1994 subway bombing that injured more than 40 people, and superstorm Sandy and its aftermath.” JEFF KLEIN’S POWER PLAY—Capital’s Jimmy Vielkind: There are 25 seats Republicans should win without much of an issue and 21 Democrats can put in their corner. Seven races are considered competitive (things got easier this week when Democratic candidate Dave Denenberg withdrew amid allegations he defrauded his law clients) and there are three wild card senators: the ever-flirting Ruben Diaz Sr. of the Bronx, Ill-go-with-whoevers-in-charge Simcha Felder of Brooklyn and John Sampson, a Brooklyn Democrat who was expelled from his partys conference because hes facing two federal indictments. (Hes pleaded not guilty to all charges.) … Since the most likely electoral outcome is somewhere in between, Klein can be plausibly courted by both sides. As Larry Levy, a political columnist and Hofstra University dean told Newsday, “It makes a big mess even messier.” And it means that on any issue where theres daylight between either Klein and the Democrats or Klein and the Republicans—which is basically every issue—Klein will be the king. If his bilateral relevance is assured, Klein can flip from side to side on any given issue, ensuring the dominance of his own moderate political brand. N.Y. YOGURT MAKES OLYMPICS—Syracuse Post-Standard’s Mark Weiner: Chobani Greek yogurt will be the yogurt of the U.S. Olympic team until at least 2020. COFFEE BREAK -- “Shadows Return to Ellis Island,” by NYT’s Melena Ryzik: “In the century-old photo, seven children gaze straight at the camera, looking hopeful or somber, or perhaps simply stunned at their surroundings. They have just landed on Ellis Island. … Their experience might have been forgotten, the photo buried with countless others in an archive. Instead, this black-and-white portrait has been revived, blown up to life-size and pasted across a broken window in the former Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital in New York harbor. … The image is part of a new installation, ‘Unframed — Ellis Island,’ by the French artist JR, which brings this landmark building, its patients and staff members, to grainy but wrenching life. It is the first time in 60 years that the Ellis Island hospital has been open to the public. Tickets [went] on sale Thursday for guided tours that begin on Oct. 1.” =================================
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 12:48:53 +0000

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