September 28, 2014 Sermon, Pastor Casey Stokes Northwood - TopicsExpress


September 28, 2014 Sermon, Pastor Casey Stokes Northwood Church, Gulfport, MS 9:30 & 11:15- Sundays * my notes to self are in < > Lets be a blank canvas for God.... our perception of God needs to be accurate, and of Jesus, or we can really get off track. 1. Jesus is our friend 2. Jesus is God - 3. Jesus is NOT religion ... 4. Today... Jesus is teacher. New Testament, 50 times mentioned as teacher. 7.2 billion ppl on earth... only one third are claiming Christ... Scriptures are not just historical or a fab book John 13:13- you call me teacher and lord, so I am..... hey! he washed feet man! When the real leader speaks, ppl listen. ~Larry Byrd, NBA player Leaders in the way of Scribes... it was for the most part positional leadership.... Jesus, however, answered them with truth every single time. He answered with clarity and accuracy and authority. The scribes were silenced by his answers.... The real leader holds the POWER, not just the position... in this, remember what the TRUE power and authority is. He practiced what he preached. His power produced freedom-broke chains, healed, torments and wrong mind sets werethrown out. He took new territory, he conquered domininons---- Taught with compassion. Mark 6:34 Real leaders have authority; its who they are. Ppl dont care how much you know until they know how much you care. His compassion, intermingled with love (that covers a multitude of sins , untainted, healed, bright, pure) . He mixed with the most ungodly, so as to heal them. And he did :) Mark 10:46. Son of David, have mercy on me. Bartemeus, sitting at the gates, begging, as usual. Jesus called for him. Asked the ind man,What do u want from me? My sight. Well then go now, your FAITH has made you free. our life and our MOTIVES must be constantly be examined. ask yourself : whats (really) motivating me to ... excel?...., Academic discipline can be off the charts-- but, for self preservation, self-fulfillment? ..... his teaching was practical Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of Heaven.... The real leader is also relatable :: Jesus had an uncanny ability to weave parables and pearls of great price out of relate real life events to reflect the kingdom of God, the love of God, mysteries that had astounded and confounded prophets and wise men for centuries.... he unveiled it in a story. He talked to many and understood who he was talking to. whether merchants, leaders or workers.... He was born a commoner--- he came to save and he knew his audience -- he was memorable. The Holy Spirit then operated to bring them along.... toward God, long after Jesus left this earth. Transcended in light as he will come again in fury. amen Pray that God will teach us. Teach us to manage our emotions. show us our potential and purpose, through Gods lenses.... to act upon things that he would have us act on.... to help save others; there is MUCH TO DO!!!!. To show others. < Tune in to him everyday, thru reading scriptures, thru prayer, meeting with other Christians, bc others are watching you; if you are a leader, leave your old self behind, walk the higher road. Hold yourself to a higher standard... God surely does! > Mark 1:14-15- The time is come. The kingdom of God is at hand.... read more......... The real leader has the end in mind. Jesus PURPOSE WAS TO RECONCILE MAN BACK TO GOD. His name is the name Above all /any names. period :) he was not a person, only he was God. < Because God is all powerful, everywhere, all knowing--- it is supernatural and the greatest truth...>. HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.... We have a responsibility to help the sick in mind, fear, doubt, sick in body..... Jesus wants to lead us to repentance (to rethink; a better technique with which to fight the enemy of our souls--- think Golf, tweaking the club just a hair), Lets approach the throne of Grace with boldness, excitement, tenacity---- where are you leading me, what is my ministry, who, where do I go...... in this life- to make it count. Pauls race of faith... run with endurance, techniques. God is kingdom focused. What do we do with the teachings of Jesus:? 1. Embrace them.... forget the false doctrines, and not the newest teachings... cling tightly to the teachings of Jesus, Uncontaminated . Some have distorted the gospel to be about us, rather than God... II Timothy 3:16--- All scripture is given.... (read on) 2.Hebrews ch. 4___\FAITH IS THE FOUNDATION...sometimes our faith is riding on fumes... Jesus says : Even if you faith is as small as a mustard seed.... you can move mountains. great encouragement. 3. Doers of the word (Book of James) There is power in obedience, it is a privilege and opportunity ---- full retirement benefits. lol Its not our power (remember pride, dont go there) but it is awesome. It is an HONOR, to have the teachings of Jesus Matt 7:24-27- The rains came but the house was safe bc it was built in rock, but those who do not follow , their house is built on sand #Truth This determines our destiny: our relationship with Jesus, the real teacher, Messiah, the perfect Lamb ---- THE RECONCILIATION ---- Amen Faith & Obedience. Let the arguments in our souls melt away-this cannot be grasped by human intellect alone, so our IQ doesnt get us there. God, let us be able to mix faith with the words in your Your Word, even with faith as small as a mustard seed (thats tiny, yo.) That we would be doers, not just heaters.... we need your instruction, Holy Spirit of the living Gid, we submit by obeying... it starts with a relationship with the Saviour with Jesus. SEEKING, in a format I which youve never been... youve been to church, you have heard it some or all, but never had movement... others have never opened a bible ..... He came for You. For You :) Theres a struggle..... within. But fear has already been overcome. Gid can remove our sins weve missed the mark- he takes our sin as far as the east is from the west..... well remember it, but it will be forgiven, if only we ask in truth and humility. Fatter forgive me of my sin. I submit my life, every area, forgive my sins, I need you to live with me, walk with me... Jesus doesnt bring condemnation, but rather hope-- realize our need for him, our shortcomings, our sins that separate us from him, He will re-start us.... He is our Reconciliation -- Jesus (teacher, Saviour) ~ View other sermons in this Jesus series or others at (choose PC or Mobile) God be the Glory *You turned my tears of sadness into joy and gladness* #Word
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:48:36 +0000

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