September 8, 1963 The Kremlin, through the Government newspaper - TopicsExpress


September 8, 1963 The Kremlin, through the Government newspaper Izvestia, defended Peking as the only legal Chinese Government and attacked it for misinterpreting the signing of the nuclear pact by Nationalist China. President Tito of Yugoslavia will meet with President Kennedy this fall, probably in Washington or at the United Nations. Washington sources said the meeting would probably take place next month after Marshal Titos trip to Latin America. The Administration planned to tell American industry, in a sharp beak with past procedures, that tariffs on almost all products will be subject to large drops in next years bargaining with the common Market. The notice will come with publication of a preliminary list of the items subject to negotiation. On Cape Cod, the White House said that President Kennedy would meet tomorrow with Senators of both parties as debate begins on the nuclear treaty. The possibility was thus raised of a bipartisan resolution to ease the fears of those who might back the pacts opponents. Former President Eisenhower went on record against restricting the treaty to the point of forcing its renegotiation. Seoul Opposition leader taking six-month trip. Another former U.S. soldier leaves China. Kennedy and Afghan King outline views. 10,000 cheering Finns swamp Johnson and family. Rusk reaffirms U.S. support of SEATO. Trinidad would like U.S. aid funds. Reform gains are seen for Peru and Ecuador. Costikyan proposes removal of De Sapio. Fallout in milk at a record level in June.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:53:43 +0000

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