September 8, 2013 August was a tough month for Team Brad. As you - TopicsExpress


September 8, 2013 August was a tough month for Team Brad. As you all know, Lori’s mother lost her battle to COPD on August 31st after a 23 day stay at Huntsville Hospital. What I haven’t shared with you is that on August 21st, I lost my job. I was so upset. You all know that along with our normal family bills, we have been paying an additional $1400/month for Cobra. The financial burden has been tough, but now it is almost unbearable. Our cupboards and fridge have been bare. Don’t worry, everyone has been fed, but until today, it has definitely not been normal. When our church family learned of our family situation, they asked if they could hold a pounding for us. For those of you like me who have never heard of a pounding, a pounding is when the church sets a day to send nonperishable items to someone in need. Today, the Wright family was pounded. I have never been through anything like this, so I had no idea what to expect. I cannot even describe the amount of shock and amazement I had when I saw that trailer full of food being dropped off at my home. We have enough nonperishable items to stock a little country store. I promise I am not exaggerating. On top of that, our fridge and freezer are totally full. Words cannot even describe how grateful I am. This is such a blessing to our family. The church also took up a love offering for us. I texted my gratitude to one of the ladies at church, and her reply was simple. “That is what church family is for. We take care of each other and rally around people when they are in need. We are only doing what you would do as well.” She was exactly right. I would and do rally around people who need me, but it feels different when you are the one in need. It is truly a blessing to help someone. As my dear friend Lori says, “Leave every situation better than you found it.” My situation is better tonight thanks to the church family at Prospect Baptist Church. Tomorrow Brad has his pet scan. He and I have been doing a low carb diet in preparation of the scan. He has to do it, but I am doing it for moral support. It is really tough eating a high protein diet when you are a carbohydrate junkie. This weekend has been especially tough. My Aunt Pat makes wonderful desserts, and she made a carrot cake and brownies for my mother’s birthday that Brad and I couldn’t touch! It did look and smell delicious though. The church sent over a variety of cakes that we are both looking forward to enjoying after his scan tomorrow. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we continue on this journey. Thank you! Love you all ~Michele
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 01:55:56 +0000

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