September 9, 1963 Aware that it might injure the military - TopicsExpress


September 9, 1963 Aware that it might injure the military capacity of South Vietnam, the Administration was understood yesterday to have decided on selective cuts in aid to the Saigon Government. The decision was based on the conviction that the war against Vietnam guerrillas could not be won unless the Administration of President Ngo Dinh Diem was radically changed. Meanwhile, $250,000 a month in aid continued to go from the Central Intelligence Agency to the Special Forces troops in Saigon responsible for the attacks on Buddhist pagodas. Charging large-scale planned espionage and subversion, Pakistan asked India to withdraw four members of the Indian High Commission. A plan to ease relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic was said to have been accepted by President Juan Bosch of the Dominican Republic. Haitis reaction was not yet known. Relations between Hungary and the United States are stubbornly knotted and refuse to disentangle. The impasse involves echoes of the 1956 revolt, the long confinement of Cardinal Mindszenty. Allies want Berlin access tied to nonaggression. Gomulka denounces Peking for first time. Algerian Constitution approved by majority. Castro calls Kennedy Batista of his time. Indians vote on U.S. offer for seized lands. Radiation device to hunt air luggage bombs. Group sees plot for revenge on Cohn.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:08:35 +0000

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