Sequence from todays workshop on twists, hips, and the arm - TopicsExpress


Sequence from todays workshop on twists, hips, and the arm balances with a twisting component. I dont usually post sequences but this one was a a lot of fun and made us all feel like goo. People were getting the trickier poses AND looked pretty relaxed when then left so I think it was a pretty good one. I didnt include urdhva kuktasana at the end because its not a twist and I wanted to give time for relaxation but I tried it shortly after class and it came very easily. So if you are working on that posture, this sequence seemed effective. Asymmetrical postures were worked evenly on both sides. Supta baddha konasana Supta virasana Padagusthasana 1,2,3,4 3 rounds Surya Namaskar (low-lunge/Sivananda style) 3 rounds Surya Namaskar A (first round with salabasana added for upper back activation Low lunge to high twist combo 3x 2 more rounds Surya Namaskar with vinyasa reversed (adho mukha/urdvha mukha/chatturanga/adho mukha svasvana) Uttanasana (blanket folded in belly) Adho mukha Vrksasana, single leg and two leg techniques Baby jathrara parivatanasana (knees bent) and supine twisting variations Pasasana with wall Trikonasana 3x Parivrtta trikonasana 3x Baddha parsva konasana Baddha parivrtta parsva konasana (back heel pressing wall) Bridge pose (activating hamstrings) Parsva Bakasana (from ground and Sirsasana 2 Parivrtta janu sirsasana Visvamitrasana Jathrara parivatanasana (straight legs and slowly!) Eka pada koundyanasana to chatturanga Dwi pada koundyanasana from ground and sirsasana 2 Reclined figure 4/piriformis stretch Supta padmasana Arda baddha padma pascimottanasana Viparita karani
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:47:42 +0000

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