Seratonin is a neurotransmitter. Nuerotransmitters are chemical - TopicsExpress


Seratonin is a neurotransmitter. Nuerotransmitters are chemical compounds that transmit nerve impulses between nerve cells. Seratonin is involved in: appetite sleep memory learning temperature mood behavior muscle contraction depression cardiovascular function endocrine regulation regulating aging bone metabolism wound healing Boosting seratonin levels can improve the way you feel when levels are low. Here are some tips on boosting seratonin naturally from Healthy Holistic Living. 1. Limit carb intake. Carbs trigger an instant release of seratonin, but in excessive they will leave you feeling sluggish and even depressed. However, too little carbs and your seratonin levels are also hindered. Ultimately you want to have a good ratio of carbs and proteins. 2. Eat tryptophan-rich foods. Tryptophan is actually converted to seratonin in the brain. Focus on eating chicken, fish, nuts, cottage cheese, beans, and eggs. Combining these foods with a small amount of complex carbs like legumes or brown rice will enhance this effect. 3. Eat the right fats. Essential fatty acids are needed to help keep your hormones and neurotransmitters in balance. Eating fish, eggs, flaxseed, nuts, seeds, and avocados will help. 4. Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise stimulates release of seratonin, dopamine, and other endorphins that produce a natural feel good high. 5. Optimize your sleep. Sleeping too much can be detrimental even though youre more inclined to over sleep when youre depressed. Make sure you get the right amount of sleep - not too little and not too much. Light exposure has also been correlated with higher seratonin levels.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 19:00:01 +0000

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