Series » Sister Mary (Episode 13) She calmly finished the drink, - TopicsExpress


Series » Sister Mary (Episode 13) She calmly finished the drink, dropped the cup and flashed a smile at me. “thanks sweetie you are so caring. I wish things will continue this way” she said happily. I breathed deeply, drew close and kissed her. “of course it will” i murmured as we kissed. We fondled each other, kissed and joked for about fifteen minutes before she stood up, trying to head to the kitchen once again. I quickly held her. “i have to go prepare something my love” she said, trying to free herself from my grip. “don’t worry dear. I’m heading out to get something more yummy. Just relax sweet-heart. I’ll take my bath first, then head to the restaurant down the street” i appealed convincingly. She shrugged, returned to my bed, grabbed the t.v control, and busied herself moving from one t.v channel to another. I smiled, undressed and headed to the bathroom, praying for my plans to work out without issues. I spent close to ten minutes in the bathroom before coming out to see her half asleep. I sat beside her, smiling to myself. She turned, backing me as she murmured some inaudible words. I dressed up, went to the sitting room and called Jboy. “yeah it’s about time. We will be there in ten minutes” he assured me and hung up. Ten minutes really was a lot of time as i waited for him to show up with the man who was to give Mary the injection. I kept staring at the clock until they showed up fifteen minutes later. Wasting no time, i led them to my room where the man quickly gave two injections to Mary without any stress. Though as he gave her the second dose, she tried to turn in her sleep forcing me to hold her strongly. “so what’s next?” i asked as we returned to the sitting room. “just watch over her and wait” Jboy replied as he left my apartment with his chemist friend. I really wanted them to stay with me, but couldn’t ask them for such favour. So Reluctantly, i returned to my room, uneasily awaiting the result of my deed. Such a terrible night it was. I couldn’t even sleep. I murdered my soul with a terrible crime, how could i sleep? 2:30am, I still sat awake, nervous as ever as i waited for the injections to work or for Mary to at least wake up. I was so scared and happy. I couldn’t think properly anymore nor figure out the next step to take. I kept praying and hoping for things to work out well. 3:30am, my eyes slowly closed, my head quietly dropping as the great power of sleep and exhaustion took over my entire body. Leaving the bulbs on, I had to change my position by lying beside Mary. Couple of minutes later, i slept off like a baby. At exactly 5:15am, Mary’s sharp cry woke me up, instantly putting great fear into me as i sprang up from my bed. I lazily rubbed my eyes with my palms before staring at her with confusion. “dear Lord no no no” she screamed with all her heart. Her eyes on my bed. I couldn’t help but follow her eyes which rested on nothing but on a small pool of blood which clearly glared under the florescent light in my room. I breathed deeply with satisfaction and happiness. But i quickly hid my feelings, drew close and hugged her. Surprisingly she pushed me angrily away as if she was aware of my crime, rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. For some minutes, i stood confused as i thought over things. Surely i was free from her after all. The unwanted baby gone forever. “what next?” i asked myself over and over. She rushed out of the bathroom minutes later with my towel wrapped round her body, looking very shaken, miserable and troubled. I tried to get close to her again but it earned me a dirty slap which silenced and made me a bit angry. I left her alone and went over my sitting room. She soon showed up in the sitting room wearing my old tight fitting jean trouser and shirt. Eyeing me, she left the apartment without another word while i went after her, begging her to stay for at least an hour. She refused to listen to my pleas nor talk to me. She left without saying any parting words which really put me in great suspense because i couldn’t figure out what she was thinking nor had a way of knowing if she suspected any foul play. I returned to my messed up bedroom, very scared and uncomfortable. I had no choice than to start cleaning up the mess and awaiting what fate had in stock for me. I knew not if i will ever see her again. Watch out for Episode 14
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:50:19 +0000

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