Series: The Man: Why the Humanity of Christ Matters to - TopicsExpress


Series: The Man: Why the Humanity of Christ Matters to You Sermon: “Taking on Humanity” Text: John 1:1-5, 14-18 1. The Divinity of Christ A. The Word is Jesus Christ (1a) The Word is a person… and that person is Jesus Christ. B. Jesus Christ is Eternal (1a) The Beginning speaks of eternity past – before the foundation of the world. Simply put, Christ has always been. C. Jesus Christ is Distinct (1b) The Word has always been with God – an eternal, intimate relationship. D. Jesus Christ is God (1c) Christ, the living Word, is God – same nature, essence, substance. Not like God, but God. 2. The Humanity of Christ A. God the Son took on humanity (14a) Verse 14 is the game-changer. God taking on human flesh is referred to as the incarnation (“becoming flesh”). This is a great mystery – Jesus Christ was born but He was not created. As we saw earlier, He existed before He was born. In the incarnation the invisible became visible. When Jesus was born He did not cease being God, rather He took on something He did not previously have… human flesh. Christ taking on humanity was not a subtraction, it was an addition. He took on something that He had not previously had. This does not mean He added to His Divinity, but that he took on human flesh. He became the God-Man. Jesus Christ is one person with two natures: Divinity & Humanity. B. God the Son took on humanity in order to… 1) Reveal God to us (John 1:14-18, 10:30) Jesus Christ revealed and further explained God to humanity. 2) Identify with us (Hebrews 2:17) Jesus Christ became like us. He was not like a fictional superhero. He did not have superhuman strength like Superman. He could not breathe underwater like Aquaman, His body could not rapidly regenerate & heal from injury like Wolverine. Jesus became like us – to include human limitations. He experienced hunger, exhaustion, physical stress. When he was beaten, he hurt. When He was cut, he bled. When his heart stopped as he hung on the cross, he died. 3) Rescue us (Hebrews 4:14-15, 7:25a) Christ took on humanity in order to save sinners. The problem is not humanity, the problem is humanity’s sin – our sin nature. Humanity was created perfect to be perfect (without sin), but all humanity is also marred and separated from God by sin. In order to save us Christ had to be the perfect God-Man. He had to live a sinless life in order to die a sacrificial death. The cost of our sin is not only our death, it was the death of Christ. His death paid the price of our rebellion so that we might be reconciled to God. He died because of us and for us. There is salvation in no one else because there is only one God-Man. 4) Intercede for us (Hebrews 2:18, 7:25b) Christian, when you pray it is Jesus who brings your requests to the Father. This is why we pray in Jesus name. Since Jesus is now with the Father, knowing that He has not left us nor forsaken us, but He is even at this very moment interceding on our behalf to the Father and will continue to do so until He ultimately brings to completion when He began when He returns to receive His church for eternity. 3. Application A. For those who do not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:16). Come to Jesus… repent, receive, and be reconciled. Repent (Turn) turn from sin & self. Receive His grace & mercy that He freely offers to you. Be reconciled to God by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. Be made new in Him by the power of His resurrection. New life is available to you right now because Christ took on humanity. B. For those who do have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-20) 1) We are to be evangelistic missionaries One of our four Core Values: We are Missional We are Missionaries We Seek to Live the Gospel Before Others We Share the Good News of Salvation Our Mission: We exist to Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World as We Make Jesus Known in the Valley & Beyond! 2) We are to be humble servants 3) We are to be devoted church members Connect – Serve – Grow Connect with others. Meet new friends and begin to build relationships. Get to know others inside & outside of the building. We’re family. Serve through ministry & missions. We have many opportunities for you to serve others in our church, community & world. Grow in faith as we are transformed & renewed to become more like Jesus. Grace & Peace, Pastor Chris
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:18:07 +0000

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