Serious Barb here again. Couple of things I want to mention today. - TopicsExpress


Serious Barb here again. Couple of things I want to mention today. First, though, I want to thank everybody whos been supporting my scarf project! During the past few months, Ive received some incredibly generous donations of yarn, as well as a bit more media coverage (the Detroit News Crafts article on my project is due to run in about 2 weeks). Why do I care about media coverage? Because its always been my hope for others to see that they can still help, even if theyre just one person. :) Today I want to talk briefly about why I do some parts of my project the way that I do. For example: my photos. Its been suggested that I photograph the people to whom I give my scarves. Sorry, but I cant do that. Even those living on the street or in shelters are entitled to their privacy. This is also why Im vague with some of the location descriptions on my photos; I can be specific if its a public spot, like a park or a lamppost or fence on the street, but I cant give out shelter addresses. I have to be careful when setting up my photos, too, for just this reason. And I dont think I have to elaborate on the dangers of living on the street. I know you guys will understand if I withhold the specifics of these locations. Its also been suggested that I sell my scarves, and donate that money to a cause of my choice. Heres why I cant do that: I can knit fast, but I cant knit fast enough to make both scarves to sell and scarves to give out on the street. And I have to give them out on the street; as I mentioned in a comment yesterday, the people I give my scarves to dont usually get things that are handmade specially for them. These things dont just help keep them warm, they let those people know that someone thinks theyre important. Anyone whos ever thought that the world didnt give a damn about them will understand why I have to go on giving out my scarves in the way that I have been. If people want to donate to my project so that I can buy more yarn, of course, thats a different story. I can always use more yarn. OK, enough out of me. I have scarves to get ready for delivery. Thanks for listening, people... and stay warm!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:42:41 +0000

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