Serious dilemma, one that has my brain running in circles until Im - TopicsExpress


Serious dilemma, one that has my brain running in circles until Im so dizzy I cant think straight, let alone pass for sober... So, with all the problems Ive had (and the other staff has had) with the new manager, problems that have cost us 4 employees to date, Ive been looking for a new place to light. I put myself out there and actually got a nibble. Well... a nibble that turned into a bite that is the source of my dilemma. I applied with one of our competing practices, and yesterday I had an interview that was more than great. It was phenomenal. Seems Im exactly what theyre looking for. But... the position they want me for would be for a new practice they are building in Addison, TX. Id be working primarily with the homeless until they expand to include other specialties later on down the road, and Id have the opportunity to really build something, which is something I truly love and have the vision to do. But the commute means having to drive, and thats 64 miles a day minimum in a 13 year old car. Public transit could get me there but it would take 3 hours each way, with very little in the way of ride share opportunities from Arlington. The opportunity to leave what has fast become a brick wall job, a job where Im running myself into the ground and forced to tolerate daily beatings from the office bully for my lunch money, is more seductive than I can say. But I know deep down that my car wont take that many miles a day without breaking down and leaving me stranded, and what theyre paying isnt any more than Im already making, so there is NO way I can add a car payment and comprehensive insurance to the budget. So what I should do is the question. On the one hand, if I stay where I am, I have the train I can ride every day but the abuse takes a greater toll with every day that passes. And when I say abuse I mean that literally. Long days without a break, struggling to do 2 jobs in the same amount of time, and being yelled at and told Im useless while my Manager flits around the office advertising personal details of the conversations shes had with the staff and all of their failures. And with all of it being witnessed and never addressed, and all but endorsed, by the Director who sides with her every time. On the other hand, there is this awesome opportunity that would provide a chance for growth and a stable team atmosphere dedicated to helping people in the community, something not for profit that expects a lot from their employees but also provides the support they need to succeed, but might just break me in the transportation department. Damned if I do, and damned if I dont, it seems. All I know is that I cant keep up this pace and it feels like my heart is breaking. I have to make a decision by the end of the weekend, but the options point towards having to pass on this awesome opportunity, and towards resigning myself to more abuse. I just dont have a way to get to the new job...
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 19:36:00 +0000

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