Serious misinformation in the latest issue of Massage & Bodywork - TopicsExpress


Serious misinformation in the latest issue of Massage & Bodywork Magazine. The QL cannot become a dumping site for clients unmet needs, frustrations, and grief, because thats not how anatomy works in reality. Think back to your first hour in your first day in Anatomy 101. You learned the four tissue types, right? Those four tissue types are amazing and wonderful, because they directly connect us to every other animal that has ever lived. They are built differently and do different jobs, you remember. Why, instead of acknowledging that wondrous reality, people make up CE classes about how everything is the same as nervous tissue, Ill never understand. But this is a fact: if you believe the rubbish about the QL (and about the psoas for that matter), you will be at a huge disadvantage when it comes to client advocacy and to further learning. If you believe this, then you cant tell your clients the truth about how anatomy works in the material physical natural universe. Other healthcare professionals, who actually do study real anatomy and understand whats going on, point and laugh at us about what fairy tales we believe. And if you ever want to learn more real anatomy, then you have a problem--youre not just starting at the starting line. You actually are starting from way behind--before you can learn anatomy as is really is, you have to unlearn all the misinformation that is standing in your way. You would do much better for yourself and your clients and our embryonic profession to reject misinformation like this--no matter who is trying to sell it to you--and to make it clear that you will not settle for anything less than reality-based anatomy.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:37:05 +0000

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