Serious question: How do we know that scholars, such as ibn - TopicsExpress


Serious question: How do we know that scholars, such as ibn Kathir (r) or Tabari (r), were actually mufassireen? Are we just making taqleed on the fact/taking it for granted that most people refer to their works and hence it somehow MUST be legitimate? What is the factor (or factors) that classified their tafsir as legitimate tafsir? Was having a discussion with يوسف بن برهان حنيف about this quite a while back and he made a very valid point - he asked who is a better plumber, Mario or Luigi? - I was like idek - so he said that only a plumber would know how good another plumber is Likewise a mujtahid would recognise another mujtahid But how do we know? Again, is it just taqleed based on people we deem to be knowledgable telling us that so-and-so is a faaqih/mujtahid/mufasir/etc.? Any crystallisation/filling in of missing concepts would be helpful - jazakAllahkhair :D
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:29:28 +0000

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