(Serious) reddit do you think aliens - TopicsExpress


(Serious) reddit do you think aliens exist? reddit/r/AskReddit/comments/2c3di3/serious_reddit_do_you_think_aliens_exist/ • Yes of course. I just wish we could get some real solid, undeniable proof. • If people can believe in religion with no proof and nothing by legends and experience (talking to god) to put their faith in to, I think it should be okay that I believe in aliens. Even though I have no proof, I put my faith in to nothing but stories and personal experience. • [deleted] • Well of course, I was just meaning that plenty of people immediately disregard the existence of aliens because there is no proof of them • Yeah me too I believe they exist but I dont think they visited the earth. So, if youre talking about microorganismic life than Im pretty sure in the next five years or so we will detect it on Mars or Europa. But if youre talking about intellegent life I dont think were going to detect some in the near future (next 100 years or so). • Absolutely. Its statistically impossible for us to be all there is. I dont think theyve been here, though. • It isnt statistically impossible. A set that is unfathomably large does not need to contain an element more than once. Its very possible that earth is the only planet with life, no matter how large/infinite the universe is. I do believe there is other life, but nobody can be certain that there is. • If we are alone, then we ought to go out and proliferate humanoid life (through extrapolating potential evolution) like Star Trek, some alien race that was humanoid actually did this, and as a result, you have a large number of humanoid races (Klingons, Vulcans, Talaxians, etc.) across the galaxy, and perhaps the Universe. • That race actually used genetic engineering to augment a native species of each planet with their DNA, both to save their own species and to jumpstart evolution. Thats incredibly unethical if you think about it. Whatever the dominant species of those worlds would have been, that one species took it upon themselves to prevent their natural development. Left to its own devices, the galaxy might have been a more peaceful place. • What if thats what we are? DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNNN • Wait wait wait When was this explained? I havent watched all the movies, but I recently watched all of TNG. When was this discovered? This is what Ill watch or read next. Since you mention Talaxians Im guessing Voyager. • BINGO! Take the Infinite monkeys, with typewriters, and infinite time thought experiment, for example. Theres no reason that they wouldnt type everything that has ever been written, until now, and forever. However, theres absolutely no reason that they wouldnt, at some point, all get half way through Shakespeares Hamlet, and instead of typing alas, poor Yorick, they get hung up and type alas, poor Borat, over and over forever, and ever. Shit happens..... or doesnt! • I thought that the odds of life existing at all was ridiculously low. Like so low we had to create the multi-verse theory to explain life on Earth. Infinite monkeys and all that. Even with all the habitable planets in all the solar systems in all the galaxies in all the universe, isnt there still virtually no chance that there will be other life? I hope Ive been misinformed, such ideas are quite fun to think about. • Yeah, youre really misinformed. Start by watching Cosmos, its the best introduction you could ask for. • Man, I managed to catch the first few episodes of that on my friends projector. It was beautiful. Tears were shed. • Give the Drake Equation a quick read. (• ε •) Looking for Song Lyrics? Try KnowYourSong: KnowYourSong • We are grateful for two things on this page: Liking a post on this page to increase the likelihood of future posts to show up in your newsfeed. And Share this Page with friends in private message and public posts to increase the visibility of these posts and this page.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 06:47:18 +0000

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