Seriously. I want to Thank you all. Just finished the Thank - TopicsExpress


Seriously. I want to Thank you all. Just finished the Thank Yous for my album: Kamari - Babyboy. My beautiful baby boy. My son. Its no coincidence that Ive started promo for this album on your bday. Your first bday. Happy birthday! This album is for you. This album is your album. Your dada gets himself into the craziest things. When youre old enough to read this I want you to know that you are the biggest blessing my life has ever been given. Youre the purist being Ive ever witnessed. Youre my everything. Sometimes I break down looking into your eyes. Same color as mine. Your nose. Shame shape as mine. Your lips. Same as mine. Your cheekbones. Same. Youre why I work as hard as I do. Ive sacrificed so much to get to where I am to show you to never give up your dream. Ever. You will always find a way out of harm, but the path of least resistance often times leads to misery, babyboy. Be happy in this lifetime. Rejoice. Outlive life before life outlives you. & remember that appearing crazy to a society built on normalcy means youre doing something right. I love you and will always love you from this realm and beyond. I wish words could properly express that. Cassandra - seeing you in labor giving birth to the light of both of our lives was incredible. We hard the worst time afterwards trying to figure out this co-parenting thing, but I want to thank you for being who you are. Being who you are enough to look past my mistakes as Ive looked past yours. Thank you for coming to an agreeable medium. Our son is the benefactor of our decision. We are much better where we are. Thank you for never pushing the issue. I know where your heart lies and I know that must be as hard for you as it is for me to see you hurt from it. No matter what our family turns into we will alway be family. Chris - you know what this album means to me. Weve been touring for 10 years. Everything youve predicted about my career has come into fruition. If the rest of what you say comes to pass we will be living what we sought out to live. Thank you brother. Thank you for getting me out of tough spots. Thank you for the partnership. The years of laughs. Everyone I know that knows about you tells me how lucky I am to find such a manager. I love you, brother. Thats automatic at this point. Its been a decade! Now I got a kid and were doing legit tours lol Gab - Bro. You saved my career. When I told you our tour was my last because of my son & you told me thats the very reason that this should be the beginning.. Man.. Thank you for taking me on, brother. Youre a legend. Your humility is inspiring. Your talent is unmatched. Thank you for climbing on th digital copy, man. Youre like a big brother to me, man. Anything you need ever is a text or call away! Thomas Prime- thank you for awakening my creativity. Thank you for pushing me. Thank you for letting me know that I was half-assing my ability for so long. You saw talent where I didnt. I appreciate you for that brother. CCR all day! Bob - Thank you for being in my ear the whole time with every Cult Classic Records release. Thank you for taking a kid with nothing and introducing him to your loyal followers. Thank you for being so selfless. Everyone in our world knows how much you and Thomas do for jazz hop, chill hop, & good music in general. CCR all day! Kondor - Thank you brother. Thank you for being so patient with me. Thank you for being a partner. Our album will happen. Thank you for forgiving my procrastination and still blessing this album with your instrumental for Focus. CCR all day! Shag - thank you. thank you for taking time apart from your schedule. I know youre working on albums and I know howtedious getting beat stems to engineers can be lol Ill see you at the top, brother. CCR all day! goldenbeets - thank you man! Your beats have allowed me to express some pretty therapeutic topics for me. Youre so talented man. I was honored to enter this project with a craftsman such as yourself. I know your time was also limited. That does not go unnoticed. I appreciate you, brother. MoStafa - thank you for being my brother. You know how hard I can be on you. On myself. On others. You know how unorganized I am. You know how I take unreasonable risks. You know how my mind works. You KNOW me & you still love me for who I am, brother. You never left. When I was being stupid and drunk you literally saved my life. I owe you my life. Its that simple. Its that complex. I will give to you what I can not only because you reciprocate, but because I love you, brother. See you at the too, emcee. Shea - THE beautiful Shea. THE intelligent Shea. THE remarkable artist Shea. Thank you girl. I told you. Were familia now. We your together. Were going to enjoy the ride together. Lets keep putting our best foot forward. Nothing but genuine love for you, Champ/Red. RasOm - thank you brother. I know the beat we used someone else asked for. thank you For showing me first. Youre ARE blono BIGGEST secret. Not for long though. There will be no secrets after we do our best to be heard. Armand - Brother. Brother. The brother I never had but blessed to know. I dedicate this album to my son & you. You & him completely inspired this album. Youd love my son, brother. He would love you. I know youre looking down from heaven right now as I write this. I know youve also witnessed me cry til ran out of tears hugging my son while listening to your music. Thank you for believing in me in high school while no one else did. Through college you still cheered me on. Experiencing your light and insight allowed me to develops as a man. Brother, I love you. Im still trying to see the good out of what has happened to you, but its still hard for me. Forgive me for that. Mark & Ron - my brothers. Mark youre the best engineer of all time. Its going to be great watching your skills grow. Ron, you know what it is. We are brothers now. There is no going back. Especially after a night like we had on Halloween lol all luh! Ryan - thank you for taking time to toss me a verse man. Little ole me. Outside of your outstanding rapping abilities, Your humility is a stand out quality. Ive grown up listening to you. To hear you side by side on a track with me is honestly a dream come true. Anytime you need anything let me know, brother. I told mark you were going to body me on my own shit ! Lol he almost didnt believe me! Ha Tope - I remember when I first moved to Portland. Everybody was cliqued up lol you always kinda did your own thing. You had the respect of everyone in Portland. All the cliques lol but you still did you. Thats why I love the attitude man. The swag. The honesty. Its all you, brother. You handle Portland & Ill take care of Eugene. Lets lock Oregon down and invite everybody in on the fun. Thats the only way well ever grow. Val - as you copy and paste my thank yous I want you to know that Ive been thanking and praising you ever since I met you. Incredible emcee. Incredible artist. I truly doubt there are things that you cant accomplish. Thank you for taking on my stressful deadline for this album. Christopher Burns - youre the illest. You can do EVERYTHING. Sing, bass, mixing. Everything. Its been great building with such a talent. Chip - words cant express. youve seen me at my best. My worst. Youve just been there brother. I appreciate that. Once we start touring more youre my number 1 bruh! Kenny - I know you dont live in the northwest anymore (to my knowledge anyway) but i want to say you have to be THE best Ive heard with those hands man. Effortlessly killing it. We dont know each other well unfortunately, but what I do know of you is that youre a genuine dude. I appreciate everything youve done for me. Thank you. Everyone. Everyone that has started off with my first album, The Mourning After Pill. Thank those of you who have consistently emailed me. You all are how/why I am still putting out albums. Every album is like a different page in this book Im slowing piecing together, but this album, DAD, is a whole new chapter within itself. Thank those of you who have chosen to read the fine print. I love all of you. Genuinely.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:28:25 +0000

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