Seriously folks? Do we truly NEVER learn from our mistakes? No - TopicsExpress


Seriously folks? Do we truly NEVER learn from our mistakes? No doubt Romney would have been a good President. Much better that what we ended up with for sure. He is a good and decent man with great character, faith in God, and a highly successful business man. With that said, let me point out a few things. 1. He was ALL of those things the last TWO times he ran for President in 2008 and in 2012. 2. He FAILED both attempts to win the Presidency. 3. HE WILL LOSE AGAIN....GUARANTEED if he runs a third time. WHY can I be so sure, you ask? The answer is simple. He will lose for the exact same reasons he lost the last two times he tried. Romneys Mormon upbringing will once again be his downfall. Now, before you think I am bashing his religion let me correct you, I AM NOT doing that at all. My point is this, Mormons are well known for being pacifists. That is part of their upbringing. They are taught to be pacifists always. While that can be an admirable trait in a lot of ways, it DOES NOT bode well for a candidate for the most powerful position of leadership in the entire world. Romney had the perfect opportunity to land some KNOCK OUT punches in the last debate against Obama, yet his nature told him to back off and not look as if he were attacking Obama. THAT cost him the election. Without a doubt, THAT pacifist decision caused him to LOSE the race. That is NOT an opinion. THAT is a FACT. Almost everyone who saw that last debate walked away shaking their heads and asking WHY did he just give away that debate? Everyone knew he had just lost the Presidency. Now, take into account, if he runs again, he will most likely be up against one of two potential Democratic candidates. Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren. Most of you think Hillary is a shoe in for the nomination but I am going to make a prediction that Hillary will NOT be the Democratic candidate. She looks like crap. She has fallen out of favor with the media, which is critical to her running for President, and most of all, there are a great number of Democrats who are fed up with the Clintons overall and they know that she still may be held accountable for her role in the Benghazi debacle. Furthermore, and this one will make many of you scratch your heads, but stay with me. The news media tells us over and over that we are a divided country. Split right down the middle with slightly more Liberals than Conservatives. Guess everything else the main stream news media feeds us, THAT TOO is a LIE. The VAST majority of registered voters in this country are Christian Conservatives who believe in the Constitution. You wont hear this fact anywhere, including Fox News. Most so-called Conservatives today are NOT True Conservatives. They are Middle of the Road Progressives who are part of the Washington Elitists Club. This Club is made up of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who pretend to be something they are not to garner votes while they mask their true agendas. Romney and McCain are said by the news media to be the best chance the Republicans have because they are moderates and not far right wind nut jobs. Let me ask you this.....WHY do you think the Leftist Socialist media would tell us which candidates are OUR best chance to beat them? It would not make sense for them to telegraph that message would it? Why would they help us defeat their own interests? The answer is THEY NEVER WOULD. They tell us this because the TRUTH is the thing they fear the most and attack the most are Constitutional Christian Conservatives. Those are the candidates they FEAR the most. WHY? Because they know the TRUTH. The TRUTH is this. there is a VAST SILENT MAJORITY in this country of Constitution Loving Christian Conservatives in our country who outnumber all the rest. If this is true, you might ask, then WHY dont we win every election? The answer is simple, we WOULD, IF we nominated Constitutional Conservative Candidates, but WE DON:T. WE fall for the lies by the news media. We fall for the propaganda put out by the leftists, so we continue to do as they tell us and nominate Middle of the Road , Progressive candidates that are for the most part , Liberal Light. Given a choice between hard core leftist Socialists or Liberal Light, the average Democratic voter will vote for the more hard core Socialists every time. If they have to choose another candidate, they will sometimes settle for the middle of the road progressive but rarely. The Consitutional Conservative on the other hand WILL NOT VOTE for a middle of the Road, Progressive Republican like John McCain or Mitt Romney. They dont believe in voting for the lesser of two evils so to speak. They will ONLY support TRUE Conservatives. If they are not given a True Conservative to vote for they simply STAY HOME and Dont Vote!! Ronald Reagan proved that when we nominate a Real Conservative, the Constitution Loving, Christian Conservatives come out of the wood work and vote in the largest numbers in history for a Presidential election. It worked not once but twice with Reagan. Even Democrats, some of them, will vote for a Positive Message when put forth by a REAL Conservative. We have not nominated a True Conservative since Reagan and we have suffered many defeats at the hands of Democrats because of this. Even the Republicans we have elected since Reagan have been much less Conservative than Reagan and have left us with many messes to clean up. George H.W. Bush failed to win re-election because he reneged on his promise of NO new taxes. His son did some good things while in office but also made many mistakes including the undermining of the Constitution with the Unconstitutional Patriot Act which allows needless, warrantless searches against people of the United States for the first time in our history. If we are to SAVE this country from the continuing assault against our Constitution and the Rights Enumerated therein, we MUST not continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. VICTORY will be ours IF and ONLY IF, we nominate a TRUE Constitutional Conservative as President of the United States. Ask yourself this question...... In ALL of your lifetime, when did America prosper the most? When did the middle class in this country GROW the most? When, in your lifetime did you feel America had the most PRIDE in our Country and our Countrymen? In MY lifetime, those things ALL happened under the leadership of Ronald W. Reagan, the most Conservative President in my lifetime. I dont know about you but I personally LONG for those days again. We CAN have them back, but we MUST follow the model that gave us that Prosperity and Pride and that model was Constitutional Conservatism. Wake up folks. Dont vote for a losing candidate. VOTE for CONSERVATISM and The Constitution!! conservativetribune/romney-preparing-political-comeback/
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:35:45 +0000

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