Seriously people. I just saw an article with pictures of women - TopicsExpress


Seriously people. I just saw an article with pictures of women from the 1940s titled, this is what thigh gaps looked like in this era or something like that. News flash: there were still skinny people in the 40s. Believe it or not, some people are naturally very skinny no matter what they do. Why is this still a thing, where we as a society compare body types and try to pretend that any body type different than our own is ugly? Skinny women: you are beautiful. Big women: you are beautiful. Every size woman in between: you are beautiful. All of humankind: stop body shaming people and simply accept people for who they are. Calling skinny women nasty and insinuating that men like women with meat on their bones is repulsive and perpetuates this idea that women exist for the viewing pleasure of men. Not true. God created women in many different sizes and shapes. Lets just embrace all sizes and shapes, abandon body shaming, and just lets focus on living healthier lifestyles. Because, yes, some people are skinny, not because of genetics, but because of anorexia or other mental illnesses. Body shaming doesnt help that. And yes, some women are overweight because of food addiction, self hatred, or emotional eating. Body shaming doesnt help that. Sometimes it makes me want to cry because women should be banding together in support and love of one another, and instead many times I see us being our own worst enemy. Yes I realize this sounds sort of like a rant but I feel so passionate about this. I really feel like God is birthing a movement within the church where women realize for the first time that cultural ideals of beauty are bull crap, and that all women are created in the image of God. There is beauty in each person, but as long as a woman is obsessing over the desire to look like someone else, she will never see her true beauty. Weve got to fix this. Weve just got to do better than this.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:00:56 +0000

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